Saturday, March 21, 2020


How are we doing, guys? Are we social distancing? (aka staying home, avoiding human interaction, getting lost in a book-- oh, wait, that's my normal life XD)

It's crazy, how's there's this nationwide (WORLDwide, even) crisis that literally everyone is aware of. If anybody mentions anything about quarantine or hoarding or washing your hands, we're all immediately thinking of the exact same thing: the current COVID-19 situation.

The world is practicing social distancing. (Well, the whole world minus all the people who are STILL going through fast food drive thrus. #lollovemyjob) Some people are required to quarantine. Schools and churches are closing, restaurants are closing their lobbies and going drive-thru only (this is a plus if you ask me-- remember what I said about human interaction? hehe), plans are being cancelled.

So, where are many of us? At home. Maybe you're going crazy, maybe it's just another day in your normal life. REGARDLESS, I am here to rescue you, with a Very Useful and Legitimate List of things to do while you're in isolation.

1. Become a Disney princess.

Oftentimes Disney princesses start out rather isolated, yes? Look at Cinderella, Aurora, Rapunzel, Anna. So, stand at the window and brush your hair while singing. Dance around the house while cleaning. Talk to a bird. Read a book, or maybe two or three. If you do all of these things, you will definitely become a Disney princess and the isolation will be #worthit.

2. Find someone to train as a Jedi.

Isolation makes you a GREAT mentor. Of course, you're going to have to stay six feet away from your trainee at all times. But hugs aren't necessary for learning the Force.

3. Build an arc reactor.

It'll boost your immunity. Probably. At any rate, you'll be that much closer to becoming a superhero.

4. Become obsessively attached to some object.

Preferably a ring. Why? Because your possessiveness will drive you to self-isolate yourself in a cave, where the odds of coming in contact with anybody else are very slim. WARNING: This lifestyle can lead you to eat anybody who does stumble across your path.

5. Read an interactive book.

Preferably one that sucks you into saving Fantasia. This is most effective if you're isolated in an attic during a storm, and your mother's name is Moonchild.

6. Find a wardrobe.

For HEAVEN'S SAKES, find a wardrobe!! If you by chance can't find one in your house (which I mean everyone probably has one under a big sheet somewhere??), build one. Use all the other furniture in the house, if needed. But a wardrobe is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for isolation.

All of these things are GUARANTEED to make isolation 110% better! (Except maybe #4. But, well, at least you have options.) These are the only acceptable things to do while being stuck at home/social distancing. If you don't do these things, you're not fit to be a book protagonist, and if the zombie apocalypse strikes suddenly, it is CRUCIAL to be a protagonist!

All right, real talk. I take our current circumstances very seriously and no, it's not a joke. But we have to stay in good spirits, yeah? Maybe a laugh is what one of you needed today and, well, if nothing else I hope these ridiculous suggestions brightened your day.

There ARE good things happening. The biggest one I see is all the support going around, particularly on social media. Yes, I'm sure there's toxicity being spread there, too. But I've been fortunate to mostly see people offering prayers, sharing book recommendations (you know, the important stuff), and just banding together in this challenging time. What's going on is bad, but there's a strange
feeling of unity, and that's good. 

As for me, I'm not officially quarantined yet, although we ARE social distancing. Our church is cancelled for at least two weeks. Like I mentioned before, my job has closed the lobby. Wal Mart is DEPLETED. Remember, y'all, toilet paper is great but it's not going to protect you from anything. xD

I truly hope you all are staying safe and healthy, and I am praying for all of you! Keep your head up- God is with us!

Quarantine or not, what are your favorite things to do when you're stuck at home? Which one of the things on this list would you do first? Any other suggestions? ;)


  1. This was so funny! Thank you, I needed a laugh this morning. <3

  2. THIS IS QUITE POSSIBLY THE GREATEST POST OF ALL TIME. XD XD I died approximately 293764 times of laughter while reading.

    But honestly, why didn’t I think of using this time to become a Jedi????? GENIUS. *begins scavenging for lightsaber parts* Maybe I’ll just FaceTime a Jedi Knight for training. I’m sure he’d be thrilled. ;)

    WONDERFUL post, Emily! This was the laugh I needed today. <3


      I'm trying to picture a FaceTime force lesson. It's rather humorous. xD

      Thank youu! <3

  3. Oh my word, this is the best! I totally wasn't expecting it, but it is brilliant!!! I love these ideas SO MUCH!!!! <3 (Ah! I've finally found someone else who has seen The NeverEnding Story!!!! I LOVE that movie!) While in QT I will perfect the power of the Force. Thank you for the tips, Master. ;)

    1. Thank you so much! YAASSS I love The Neverending Story!!!

      Of course. May the Force be with you. ;)

  4. Okay, this post is totally hilarious. XD Love it! And you're so right, it's important we keep up our spirits. <3

  5. "Read a book, or maybe two or three." <---I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. :D

    Pretty sure this post added years to my life. XDDD Ya know, I never realized how many fictional characters have to practice "social distancing" a.k.a. live like hermits. But there's a LOT of them apparently. o.o Out of all these, I'd definitely like to find the Wardrobe the most, buuuut in reality I'm pretty sure I'm Gollum. I just have a book hoard instead of the One Ring to obsess over. DON'T TOUCH MY PRECIOUSES.


    Aaaanyways, this was absolutely spectacular. I definitely needed a good laugh today. Thank you so much for sharing, Emily! Hope you and your loved ones stay well! <3

    1. *exaggerated wink*

      There are so many! We have lots of inspiration. xD Aren't we all at least partially Gollum on the inside, though?? *strokes books*

      I'm so glad it made you smile! Thank you, Christine! <3

  6. Hahahaha I love this!!! XD Perfection!

    "Of course, you're going to have to stay six feet away from your trainee at all times. But hugs aren't necessary for learning the Force." ahaha XD.

    *Miss Woodhouse is clapping* This was brilliant Emily! Thanks for the wonderfully mood lifting post!!

  7. I have been actively trying to find Narnia. Great list!

    1. Why's it gotta be so darn elusive? xD Thank you!

  8. Yeah I'm just a home you know, doing my normal thing......

    Anyway, I love this post,very funny!!!! I've been thinking about sewing a Jedi robe. Training a Jedi made me think of that.
    It's been nice here so I have been going outside a lot. ;)

    1. Thank you! OOOOHHH, a Jedi robe?? That would be awesome? I hope you'll be sharing that on your blog if you do it... ;)

      Lucky! We've been getting SO much rain. I love rain, but with all the dreariness lately I've just wanted sunshine.

  9. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today. 😊

  10. This is a really good list. Thanks for this. I think I'll do either number two or number four. Alternatively, I might try out some dark magic that eats your soul? You know how everyone's been talking about taking up new hobbies during the outbreak.

    Anyway, this was not what I was expecting and made me smile very much.

    1. Ah, yes, dark magic. Sounds like a plan.

      I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you :)

  11. It's about time I became a Disney princess tbh. XD

  12. Nicole linked this on her blog and I'm SO GLAD I popped over. This is absolutely hilarious (and now I need to poke around and read all the things).

    And I have no idea what people are doing with the toilet paper either, but it happened in Australia as well...

    1. Aw, I'm so glad you popped over, too! Thanks so much for reading!

      I sincerely believe this bizarre toilet paper situation will be remembered for years to come. xD
