Tuesday, March 31, 2020

MARCH 2020

And just like that, March is over and so is the first quarter of 2020 (What????).

March has been wild, hasn't it? I think this will definitely be a month that will go down in history, if nothing else due to all the memes that have been made about it.

But March is over now, and hopefully, prayerfully, April will see a brighter future. Before we move on, though, let's take a look back at what happened in March, shall we?

MOST of my reading this month was Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. It took me over a month to read because um HELLO MONSTER. (this girl's never dipped her toes in the adult-fantasy genre before xD)

I finished it over a week ago and yeah I can't think about because I am nOT OKAYYYYYY *CRIES*

Aaaand then after I was done with that, I decided to reread the Out of Time series! I read this for the first time almost a year ago and I've literally been wanting to reread it ever since I finished it. I'm currently about halfway through the first book and maannnn I love these books. Reading it again, I can see more clearly how much growth Parvin has between the beginning and the end of the series.

Something else occurred to me this time around: I can relate to Parvin in a way I hadn't realized before. Parvin goes back and forth between acting like a believer, showing her cross ring and not wanting to hide her beliefs, and then acting like she doesn't even believe in God. I had fleeting thoughts of that being weird and inconsistent.

But then I realized that that used to be me. I always believed in God (even if I didn't feel like I should sometimes), but there was a looong time when that was all I did. I believed because I knew it was right, but I didn't really like Him or think He loved me. And comparing myself to Parvin at this point in her story, the similarity was kind of scary. But I'm thankful that both of us pulled through.

So, this month I tried to get back into Fall Into Time. I really did.

And I don't know if it's me or the story, but I just couldn't do it.

So, as I said in my last post, I switched Camp NaNo projects at the last minute and decided to work on Once Upon instead, aka my Trentley and Jynnia book.

I haven't really done any writing this month. xD The only fiction I wrote was my Trentley and Jynnia flash fiction I posted on Saturday.

Also, I don't remember if I said anything about wanting to keep track of how many words I write this year... but yeah, I was planning on it and I already failed. xD Oh, well.

On the 18th, I turned 22.

So, y'know, the birthday I've been waiting for since I turned 15 and passed up the last age-themed Taylor Swift song. And you can bet I celebrated accordingly.

(this cake was ridiculously delicious, by the way)
We listened to "22" while eating cake. It was the best thing ever.

Spring began, and then promptly dumped snow and sleet on us, followed by a nearby tornado. #fun You guys know I love winter and rain, but I'm just ready for sunshine.

MY BLOG HIT 10K PAGE VIEWS THIS MONTH! *plays kazoo* And for what it's worth, March 1 marked a year and half since I started my blog. (and I'm already getting excited about my blogaversary in September. :P)

(Another disclaimer to make it clear that no, what's happening is not humorous; but laughter is good medicine and these are a few things that made me laugh amidst all the craziness.)

Some music I've been enjoying:

High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco (kind of obsessed right now, honestly)
Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons (this song is perfect for Avengers: Endgame and I was watching fanmade videos and feeling the feels all over again)
Painted Skies by Anthem Lights (this album came out like three years ago and I didn't listen to it until this month... I don't really know why? but I finally did and it's so good!)
Avengers: Endgame soundtrack (I haven't been listening to it as much as I did at the start of the month, but I still loooove it) (also still stop and feel the feels at parts)

So, yeah, I never thought I'd live through what feels at times like a YA dystopian. Now the question is: which one of us is going to rise above the odds and be the protagonist of this novel and cure COVID-19?? More importantly, who's going to be the brooding love interest?

Priorities, people.

Anyway. xD I hope you're all staying safe and healthy, and I'm praying that all of this craziness will pass soon. Here's to a better April! And onward to Camp NaNoWriMo!

How has your March been? Do YOU have what it takes to be our hero? (I would do it but I'm pretty sure the hero's not allowed to be older than 18, so...) And Wrimos, tell me about your Camp projects!


  1. Happy late birthday, my friend!!!!!!! May your year be better than this month has been. XD
    I love High Hopes and Whatever It Takes btw!

  2. AWWWWW! YOU TURNED 22. That is so awesome! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!! <3

    I am with you on the memes! Humor always helps me cope with things, and, gonna be real, the corona memes are GOLD. All I'm saying is, if we gotta go through the apocalypse may as well makes some jokes about it.

    And oh my goodness, I haven't thought about how we need a teenage protagonist to save the world. BWAHAHAHA! It's true though! Being as how I'm 27, I'm too old to save the world as well... Can I be the mentor? I feel like 25 to 3000 is about the average age for mentors, yeah? Or I can be the crazy cat and book lady that gives random advice while the protagonist is on a side quest. Yeah...that sounds about right.

    1. THANK YOU!!

      For real, though, the memers are on their game right now. xD

      THAT'S ALL WE'RE WAITING ON. SHE JUST NEEDS TO STEP UP. XD *sigh* Isn't it sad how we're already past our prime? XD YOU CAN TOTALLY BE THE MENTOR. Or the crazy cat/book lady. Either way I think we're golden. xD

  3. Bwahaha, yes, I’m still happy to see you read Mistborn. Such. A. Good. Book. XD (except for That Scene because I’m currently rereading this book and I’m already dreading it XD).

    Happy late birthday!!!! 22 is SO EXCITING!!

    (okay, but those memes are ON POINT - and that Gaston one is perfection XD)

    I hope you April is amazing, Emily! And hopefully our teenage heroine steps up to the challenge - even if she is accompanied by a bad boy. ;)

    1. Honestly I can't think about it for too long because I start getting sad all over again and I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED *cries*

      THANK YOU!!

      (I love the Gaston one so much xD)

      Same goes for you, Nicole! <3 Yeah, I'm waiting for her to pop up any day now... but oh man... will we have to witness a love triangle? XD

  4. 22 is a great age! Happy late birthday!
    Love the Gaston meme! XD

  5. Haha I loved being 22! I sang that song at midnight! Happy belated birthday and stay healthy and safe!

    1. Ahh really?? I thought about eating breakfast at midnight, but I gave up and went to bed. xD Thank you! You do the same!

  6. Dude, I've literally been saying the same thing about COVID-19 being a YA dystopian and wondering who's going to be the protagonist! LOL. I don't have to be the main, but I'd at least like to be a supporting character, lol

    HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!! I did the same thing when I turned 22 last year, haha. You've got to blare that song for all it's worth!

    Painted Skies!!! High Hopes!!! Love both of those songs!!! <3

    Those memes though. :D

