Sunday, March 8, 2020


I finally watched Endgame.

I've mentioned before I was going through all the Marvel movies with my family. A couple of you mentioned you wanted a post whenever I watched Endgame. Well I probably would have done one anyway because I HAVE TOO MANY THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS TO NOT RANT ABOUT IT. xD

So, here it is. A review/rambling of Endgame that is very late because the movie came out like a year ago but do I care? Nope. Also VERY LONG. Like probably the longest post I've ever written.
Also VERY VERY SPOILERY. So if you're like me (super late to everything) and haven't seen it yet, DO NOT PROCEED. I REPEAT. DO NOT PROCEED.

WE'RE IN THE SPOILER ZONE NOW. (this wasn't originally intended to be a "We're in the endgame now" reference, but then why the heck not?)

Also the rambling zone. I'll try to stay somewhat chronological but mostly this is just going to be a big mess with the thoughts in order of when they come to my mind. xD Seriously, don't expect any organized thoughts because WE JUST HERE TO CRY AND FANGIRL. (and use all caps. a lot. like, a LOT. so be prepared.)


And then, jumping ahead a little bit, it just killed me seeing the condition Clint was in. SOMEONE GET THIS POOR BOY UNDER CONTROL AND TELL HIM EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT.

I was a little stunned when Thor straight-up beheaded Thanos. I was like... who is this movie's villain?? xD And then when it was revealed that it was FIVE. YEARS. LATER.

FIVE YEARS. This killed me. Five YEARS that our heroes spent with the load of what happened and just GAAAHHHH. I was not prepared for this. D:

"Some people move on, but not us. Not us."

(I know that's not an exact quote, but close enough.) This is one of my favorite lines of the movie because it perfectly conveys just how much our heroes cared, how much their loss bothered them. (And it also perfectly conveys how I felt after watching the movie oof)

I totally didn't expect Tony to be a dad, and it was adorable. I'm so glad Tony and Pepper got to get married and have a kid and finally get that life.

And on that note? I AM SO PROUD OF PEPPER. I love that scene where Tony very reluctantly goes to her and tells her that he figured out how to go back in time. Because Pepper is totally understanding and supportive, after all these years of telling him no, of worrying about him, of not wanting him to be in danger.

AND I DON'T BLAME HER. Not one bit. But this scene was beautiful because Pepper is seeing how important this is, how (even if he might not want to admit it) it's important to Tony. And she recognizes that and it's like she gives him her blessing. I just loved that. We've seen these two come a long way.

And speaking of that: TIME TRAVEL? TIME TRAVELING SUPERHEROES? I NEVER expected time travel in this movie. (Somehow in all the months I spent avoiding spoilers, I never once came across even the idea that time travel would be involved.) And it was GOLD. I mean, seeing 2012 Avengers again? Seeing THIS again????

And this line from Tony: "We can all stand around posing up a storm later."

XD Basically the best line ever.

And Loki stealing the Tesseract. Oh, brother. xD (Also, quick break to share this:


And let's not forget CAPTAIN AMERICA VS. CAPTAIN AMERICA. And using the "I can do this all day" line on himself. And being fully aware of the humor in it. XD

All right, time to talk about THAT PART.


Yes, you all know the scene. When I realized that Clint and Natasha were in the same place Thanos sacrificed Gamora for an Infinity Stone... my heart just sank. I didn't know who it was going to be, but I knew one of them was going to go.

This scene is perfect. I love (and by love I mean IT RIPS MY HEART OUT) their conversation about how someone's going to have to do it, and Clint says, "I'm starting to think we mean different people here." And then they race each other to the cliff and it's heartbreaking.

What I love so much about this scene, is how neither one of them compromised the other one. There was no "Okay, you can be the one to do it." These guys are BEST FRIENDS. And it shows, in the way they're pretty much tripping over each other to be the one to make the sacrifice. I love it because until the literal last moment, they're fighting for the other one's life.

Excuse me. *exits to the other room and closes door*

*loud wailing comes from inside*

And even though I hated losing Natasha, it made sense. Clint had a family to return to once they reversed the Snap. And Natasha's passion for the past five years has been saving everyone.
"For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing, get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back."

Also, I just want to say how much I ended up LOVING their relationship. I first started loving them in Age of Ultron when you see Natasha with Clint's family, joking around with his wife about the name of their baby, and the kids calling her Aunt Nat... it's just adorable and shows how close Clint and Natasha were. And the fact that there was nothing romantic between them made that even better. #moreoftheserelationshipsplease

All right, moving on from the heartbreak. (for a second. lolololol)

QUICK TALK ABOUT NEBULA. Or rather, past Nebula who somehow got present Nebula's message in her head and STINKING SHOWED IT TO THANOS. This part drove me INSANE. Stupid Thanos kept digging around in the girl's head and I just wanted to scream WOULD YOU STOP MESSING WITH HER HEAD AND JUST LET OUR PEOPLE HAVE A VICTORY PLEASE.

But there was also this which was hilarious:


I ended up really liking Nebula, which I never thought I would. And I felt SO bad for her during this
part of the movie when she's unwittingly helping Thanos and then facing her past self and seeing what she used to be.

*drills through mind trying to figure out what's left to talk about*

Okay well I think I'm coming to the end of my ramblings, so TIME TO TALK ABOUT CAP.




YESSSS this was the moment I've been waiting for ever since Age of Ultron!!! Not that I ever really thought it would happen. But it drove me crazy in Ultron, because I was just like, how is Cap not worthy? HOW?


I don't generally get outwardly excited about TV unless I'm watching alone (I'm weird), but I gasped out loud when Cap caught Mjolnir. IT MADE ME SO HAPPY. And I keep watching that gif over and over again and remembering how excited I was and how much I absolutely love it AAAHHHHHHH!!

All right, now time to come down off that high and back onto a heartbreaking road again. *sigh*. TONY.

Tony, Tony, Tony.

Soo, I went into this movie 100% knowing that Tony was going to die. That was spoiled for me months ago. But I didn't know how or when it would happen until he ended up with the Infinity Stones.

I just LOVE how they used the "I am Iron Man" line again. MAJOR THROWBACK THERE and I dare you not to compare the first and last times he said it and not want to cry.

What stands out to me most about this scene is that Tony was the one who made the sacrifice in order to save the universe. And the reason that stands out to me is what Tony's been struggling with all along. Like how he's just a "man in a can" amidst gods and supersoldiers. Or the guilt he was dealing with in Civil War. How he can't do more.

But in the end, Tony made the sacrifice. In the end he was totally selfless and paid the ultimate price. And I think that was the perfect end for him, because the "man in a can", the one without actual superpowers, the one who had had such human struggles... he was the one who did it. It was more poignant than if it had been Cap or Thor.

THE CHEESEBURGERS LINE. That part made me so sad, thinking back on that very first movie...


Nowww, I must share some of the things I didn't like. We'll start with the one thing that I absolutely hated.

Yeah... NOT A FAN.

Here's the problem. We haven't seen the Hulk since the beginning of Infinity War. And this is his big return. I'M SORRY BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT WE WANT TO SEE.

We want to see Hulk having a second go at Thanos and beating the guy's head in. (Imagine if they would have had him helping out when they were trying to get the gauntlet off him in Infinity War...). We want to see him tearing through the battle at the end taking down the army like a boss because HE'S THE STINKING HULK.

I'm all for taking different, more realistic routes in stories and I get that Bruce made the decision to merge with the Hulk to make his life easier. And maybe I'm supposed to be happy for him. BUT I'M NOT.

The thing is, with Bruce/Hulk the way he was in this movie, it made the scenes he was in seem almost comical. No, that doesn't mean I wanted to laugh every time he spoke. But the whole situation was just so ridiculous to me that I couldn't take him seriously. And I felt like I didn't truly get Hulk or Bruce in this movie, you know?

I think I heard that this happened in the comics? So, okay, fine, Marvel, if you wanted to do it, whatever. But for heaven's sakes, this was ENDGAME. Why couldn't you have waited to do it until the end of the movie, at least?? Like, show where everyone goes after it's all over and let that be Bruce's happy ending? SIGH. I was just SO disappointed with this aspect of the movie. Because Hulk didn't get to show his stuff at all.

I don't say that about Thor looking different. I didn't like it at first, but the more I think about it the more I don't mind and actually maybe even appreciate it. Because although it WAS disappointing seeing our beloved god of thunder lounging around chugging even more beer into that gut of his, THAT WAS THE POINT. The poor guy's been through some STUFF. And it affected him. So Thor actually went on kind of an inner journey here, and I actually sort of liked it. Especially this:

I didn't appreciate this part as much as I do now until I saw this:

Because of everything he'd been through these past 5 years, he thought all his worthiness had left him. But the point was that your struggles don't make you any less worthy, and the more I think about this the more I really, really love it.

OKAY NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT STARLORD FOR A MINUTE. I love Starlord, I really do. But the guy did something totally stupid in Infinity War that basically made him like 99.99999999% responsible for the Snap. (Like, man, I'm sorry about Gamora, I really am. But if your friends are trying to get the gauntlet off Thanos MAYBE THINK ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS A LITTLE MORE IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW THAN BEATING ON THANOS OVER YOUR ALREADY DEAD GIRLFRIEND?)

My problem here is that (as far as I remember) they never really acknowledged his error?
Maybe they didn't make a big deal of it because of what a HUGE load that would have been on him. And, well, it would have been. I just really wish there would have been SOMETHING. But when Starlord came back in the battle in Endgame, that was it. He just showed up, fought, didn't do much, got kneed by past Gamora, and that was pretty much it.

If they weren't going to acknowledge his mistake, or have him apologize, or anything, I at least would have liked to see him do MORE. Like, maybe have even just one shot of several people attacking Thanos and Starlord being front and center?? Because he kind of owes it to everyone to at least do that??

That brings me to another point. I didn't actually think of this myself; my sister brought it up. But WHY ON EARTH WEREN'T THERE MORE PEOPLE ON THANOS DURING THAT BATTLE? I mean, yeah, I get it, there was an army to fight, too. But you had entire Wakandan army AND literally All The Superheroes. So, there REALLY should have been a Power Group solely focused on Thanos because he's kind of the real problem here. Especially after Captain Marvel showed up and took down the ship. Like I said before, Starlord should have been after Thanos. (Even if not to make up for his mistake, I mean, he's still probably mad about Gamora, right??) HULK SHOULD HAVE BEEN AFTER THANOS. (But for heaven's sakes, let's not rehash THAT missed opportunity.) I know there was a part where Thor, Cap, and Iron Man were all fighting him (which was awesome). I just REALLY feel like they all should have been more focused on taking down the backbone of the operation. *cough*alsowhydidn'tantmanjuststeponhim*cough*

Nowww for the last thing (this one brought to my attention by my brother). This isn't something I didn't like so much as just something I can't help but take notice of now. If you really think about it, bringing everybody back after 5 years would cause a whole big mess in the world.

I heard about the part in Far From Home that shows students returning to their school the same age as they were when Thanos snapped. So, yeah, now half the world is actually five years younger than they should be. So their younger siblings are now older than them... and basically their lives are just super thrown off.

Okay, I guess that could be overlooked, because if you've been dead for 5 years and are suddenly brought back, that's worth the inconvenience of being 5 years too young, right? At least for the family who's been missing you.

But... what about the people who have remarried since losing their spouses in the Snap?

I'm just gonna leave it at that. xD It's a bit of a problem if you pay attention to it. But it doesn't take away from the intentions of our heroes, as I talked about before, because the heart is still there.

Now. On to a point about this whole thing, which will help you understand just why I loved Endgame so much.

None of the other Marvel movies touched me the way Endgame did (except mayyybe Captain America: The First Avenger, and then on a much smaller scale). Why is that?

Because it's in Endgame that it really stood out to me just how much saving the world means to our heroes.

I mentioned the "Some move on, but not us" line earlier. I love that line so much because it really shows us why these heroes are heroes.

Because they can't let go. They can't forget that maybe if they had done something different, things would be different. And they just can't let their worlds go on as if nothing had ever happened, because they know that if there's anyone who can change what happened, it's them. They take the first chance to uproot their own lives (empty as they might be now) and take another shot at saving everyone.
Whatever it takes.

And I don't get the impression that they only want to fix what happened in order to save the people in their lives that they lost. Steve lost Bucky and Sam. Natasha lost Clint-- not to death, but she lost him just the same. Scott lost Hope and her parents. Yet I feel that the core of their passion for going back and changing all of this isn't just for what they lost, but for what the world lost.

After all, remember that line from Cap? Something about "I know it'll work, because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't."

It's been five years since he lost his friends. He's had five years to adapt to that, and he seems to be doing as well as can be expected. But five years isn't enough to cope with the fact that half the world died and maybe you could have stopped it.

All this rambling is to say that THIS is exactly what I want to see in a superhero. In this movie our heroes showed sacrifice and care and determination, and I loved it so much because that is exactly what a superhero should be. Someone who is painfully passionate about saving as many people as they can and willing to maybe sacrifice themselves for it.

We saw two of our heroes do exactly that in this movie. It was heartbreaking, but it was beautiful and I appreciate it so much.







The end of Captain America KILLS me. It's just so heartbreaking and GAHH I want to cry just thinking about it. And if you've seen Agent Carter, you've been put through even more heartbreak. (I won't say details in case some of you haven't seen it, but that last scene of season 1? The bridge? YEAH UH HUH JUST RIIIIIP MY HEART OUT AND THROW IT IN THE RIVER THANKS.)

I agree with what Sam said; I don't love the idea of a world without a Captain America. But the fact that he got to go back and be with Peggy and THEY GOT THEIR DANCE makes up for it. Because I'm just so happy for them. *crieeeeees* Never in a million years did I think that they would ACTUALLY get to have their dance. And the fact that they got it and got to be together I just... gAAHHH. I literally need to shut up now or I could add eighteen more paragraphs to this too-long post to screech about it. (if you want to join me in the screeching when you're done reading this, I'll be in that room I was in earlier. *walks in* *closes door* *SCREECHES*)

*takes a deep breath*

Whew. Okay, that was a lot. I do deeply apologize for this ridiculously long post except I don't because Endgame deserved it.

In conclusion: Endgame broke me. It ripped my heart out. I couldn't stop thinking about it for days. It gave me much the same feeling I get when I finish watching Lord of the Rings and if I've talked about that before, you know I always feel emotionally exhausted, sad it's over, and wish I knew those characters personally.

I really didn't expect Endgame to affect me so much. But it had been months of watching all the Marvel movies leading up to it, and then it was just... over. And I had to say goodbye to all of those characters that I love for good. (I don't plan to keep up with the new things they have coming out, so Endgame was it for me.) My poor little fangirl heart couldn't take it.

As I write this, I'm listening to the soundtrack for, ahem, the seventh time since watching the movie. Yeah... it was kind of all I wanted to listen to for a while. Except I was already an emotional wreck and reliving the music again certainly didn't help. When I first started writing this post right after watching the movie the emotions were still fresh and I kept stopping and tearing up. I'm fine.

Hopefully I said everything I wanted to say in this post... because I had a LOT to say. xD I won't be over Endgame for a long time... if I ever am. It wasn't perfect, but man, did it hit me hard. And it did exactly what I think a good story should: it inspired me to write stories that have the same heart, the same gutwrenching passion, and that makes people feel the way it made me feel.

So, I guess its job is done.

I can't end this post without a big thank you to Nicole who listened to my ridiculously emotional and
dramatic play-by-play and kept me sane with all her emotional support during this movie. I would have gone crazy without someone to fangirl with. xD

IF YOU MADE IT TO THE END OF THIS POST, YOU DESERVE SHAWARMA. *gives you virtual shawarma* I don't have any discussion questions for you, so I'll just turn you all loose to fangirl with me in the comments. XD


  1. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH EMILY. THIS WAS THE GREATEST. I LOVED ALL YOUR THOUGHTS. Honestly, it was like reading all of my thoughts. I agree with like EVERYTHING here!

    I, too, LOST IT at the very beginning scene because I KNEW what was about to happen. Like...this was an emotionally damaging movie enough. Did they have to destroy us within the first 20 seconds?!?!? RUDE.

    The time travel was PERFECT. They basically managed to reference ALL the previous movies in this one and ALKJSLDJFLJD. It made my heart happy!

    Natasha's end d e s t r o y e d me. I mean, it was a beautiful ending and I'm so proud of my girl. And I agree, it needed to be her, since Clint had a family to go back to. But but but...the Avengers were HER family and BRB GONNA GO CRY FOR A MILLION YEARS.

    BUT CAP IS WORTHY. *SHRIEEEEEKS* We all knew he was. We all KNEW. I think we're all STILL screaming about that one. XD

    But TONYYYYY. *SOBS SOME MORE* That's so sad you were spoiled about that! I managed to avoid that spoiler going in, BUT I...felt it coming. It seems like it's been coming for a long time. So I can't say I was surprised, but that didn't mean it didn't break me into a million billion sobbing pieces. Like Natasha though, they made his a worthy death. It was not wasted. I mean, HE SAVED THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. And then Pepper's "You can rest now, Tony" just.... D': D': D': He hasn't rested a single day in his life. He spends every waking hour worrying about his loved ones. But, at last, he can rest knowing they're safe. I CAN'T. I JUST CAN'T. Oh and the CHEESEBURGERS. Out of ALL the insane things that went down, you wouldn't think THAT'S what would have made me cry the most but IT DIIIID. I think it was at that moment it really hit me...he's gone. But Happy and Pepper and everyone else are going to take care of his daughter and keep up his legacy and UGH. I'm gonna cry just talking about it!

    I agree that Hulk's whole ordeal was...kinda weird. But Thor's made SENSE and gave him a sweet arc. Poor Thor. He's lost so much UGH.

    And Starlord yes blergh. I ADORE him, but I am sooooo mad at what they've done to his character in Infinity War and Endgame. It's like they're trying to make us hate him??? But, like, the Guardians of the Galaxy movies are some of my FAVES. I don't want to be mad at Peter but they keep forcing me to be. IT'S NOT OKAY.

    But I agree 100000% with EVERYTHING you said about how this one shows just how far these people will go to save the world. It was SO inspirational. I'm just so proud of them. :')

    AND THEN THE DAAAAAAAAAAAANCE. Steve and Peggy are my top Marvel OTP and, like you, I NEVER thought they'd get to be together and just AKJSDLJF:LJSLDKJF. MY HEART.

    Good gracious, this movie! I could go on and on and on but...I've rambled enough. I literally wrote a 7k long post of my thoughts after I first saw in in theaters so yeah. XD SO MANY THOUGHTS. BUT IT WAS SO GOOD. Not perfect, but CLOSE TO IT. It was honestly everything I wanted and more.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! I'm so glad you liked it!!!

    1. I KNOWWW as soon as it started I was like "welp so it begins". xD

      YESSS the time travel was amazing!! Like I said I had no idea it was going to be involved so it was such an unexpected TREAT getting to back and revisit older movies. <3

      *cries with you* You can join me in my crying room, if you want. *opens door*

      I'M STILL INWARDLY SHRIEKING ABOUT THAT AHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY MY BOY IS WORTHY <3 <3 <3 Like you have no idea how happy I am about that xD

      I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY THE CHEESEBURGERS WOULD HIT YOU THE HARDEST. And it's such a realistic moment when Happy says that to Morgan, because I feel like for someone who loses somebody, a little thing like that would be the thing that sets your emotions off. And that memory is something that was only between Tony and Happy, so it makes it even more heartbreakingly special. <3

      YES THOR HAS LOST SOOO MUCH. Poor guy needs all the hugs. :(

      Yes dude I hate how they left me feeling about Starlord! I do still love him but I just feel like his character's been left hanging in this awful limbo and I don't like it.

      THE DANCE, MAN. THE DANCE. I JUST CAN'T DEAL. *goes back into crying room*

      YOUR COMMENT MADE ME SO HAPPY! And ha, I actually went back and read your post after watching the movie (you wouldn't believe how many Marvel-related things I've avoided in the past year xD xD) and that was sort of responsible for convincing me to write my own. So thanks. xD

  2. *cries forever* *dies* *revives* *wails* *cries forever* ENDGAME!!!!! Ah, THAT SCENE killed me! My poor Clint. <3 IRON MAN! <3 My favorite part was when Tony hugged Peter! <333 Bruce being Hulk at the same time was a little weird, but I got used to it. I love Starlord, too, (my sister doesn't, she hates him), but I agree, it would have been nice to get an apology from him. JUST YES TO ALL OF THIS!

    1. *dies and revives and cries with you* HA that's so funny that your sister hates him, because after Infinity War my sister hated him too. xD She liked him before but after the Stupid Thing that he did, she can't stand him now. xP


    AND THE DANCE THE DANCE THE DANCE OH MY WORD I THINK I DIED WHEN I SAW THAT. (I’m very curious - what do you think of Cap giving the mantle of Captain America to Falcon instead of Bucky? XD There have been lots of mixed opinions about that.)

    AWESOME post, Emily! (And now I want to watch this movie all over again, and I’m not sure if my heart can take that. XD) (and I will gladly provide fandom support anytime. :D *hugs*)

    1. I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY THOUGHT THE HULK THING WAS A GOOD IDEA. And I'm actually surprised how good Thor's storyline turned about to be.

      *JUST CRIES FOREVER BECAUSE WHAT ELSE CAN I SAY ABOUT THE DANCE* I feel like Cap and Bucky would have talked about that beforehand (since Bucky obviously knew he was leaving). I can't help but think that Bucky would have been Cap's first choice, but maybe he didn't feel worthy of it? Not to take away from his giving it to Falcon, of course. I really don't know. xD

      THANK YOU! I've been wanting to watch it again literally since the day after I watched it. xD (your support was the best. *hugs back*)

  4. AHHH, THIS MOVIEEEEE!!!! And that dance made me tear up.

    1. IT WAS SO GOOD!! gAHHH, the dance. I just can't get over it. <3

    Yeah, they didn't explain the coming back from the snap part very well. Also, I agree about Star-Lord. Marvel hasn't really been doing well with his character since Guardians 1 (mayyyyybe Guardians Vol. 2). But, yes. It was a great movie, and Steve and Peggy got to be together. Just, yes.
    Okay, the cheeseburger line sounds like something I would say. And it also made me hungry.
    I loved reading your thoughts on this!

    1. Yeah, there were some things about it that weren't great. But overall, YES, what a great movie. <3

      Thanks for reading! :D

  6. AHHHH ENDGAME!!! That quote is perfect for us, because I really don't know that I will ever move on from that movie!

    I know I'm not going to tackle everything that I want to say in this comment because there's just SO MUCH TO SAY ABOUT THAT MOVIE. You could literally take a college course on just that one film. :p

    I'll start I guess with a disclaimer: Endgame isn't my favorite movie and for a lot of the things that you mentioned. Especially when it comes to the continuity of the stories given the time travel and the Snap. But. Like you said, there were some really great things about it, and reading your post made me realize some of the good parts I may have missed in my grief.

    Cap and Peggy's dance: I don't love a world without Captain America, either, but GOOD GRIEF AM I EVER HAPPY FOR HIM AT LEAST. I am SOOOO sad that he's gone, but I want to be happy for them.


    I adore Nebula too!!! She's absolutely my favorite of the Guardians of the Galaxy crew and I am SO PROUD OF HER. SO PROUD!!!

    I didn't like the thing with Thor, but I do have a better understanding of it after reading the tumblr posts that you included. I still wish that they'd done it differently, so that he could still be the Thor we remembered at least in the final fight scene, but I also kinda see that idea of showing how his worthiness is still there despite the emotional pain and depression he'd been through. But I still think they could've done it better.

    I'm sorry you had the Tony thing spoiled for you! I had a feeling someone from the main team (and possibly all of them) was going to die, but I hadn't heard anything definite. So that was a surprise to me.

    Yes, why did only one person fight Thanos at a time???? Especially once he had the infinity stones??? what sense does that make????


    Clint and Natasha's scene; it killed. I literally couldn't decide whose death would be worse, but I do agree that Hawkeye had something to return to; once Nat sacrificed herself, she would at least feel like she had accomplished everything she'd been fighting for.

    Also, sidenote: I wish Coulson had been in the final movie, since he was the one who brought them together in the first place. I feel like they could've made that work.

    Great post! I just have so many Marvel emotions that even after almost a year, they are still fresh. There are definitely some things I didn't like about the ending, but what a series it was.



      YES I TOTALLY GET THE CAPTAIN AMERICA CRISIS. I hate that he left, but now he's got Peggy and just ahhhhh it's so perfect. <3

      I KNOWWWWWW. It's so frustrating because I feel like they want us to overlook what Starlord did??? But just NO. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO HIS CHARACTER.

      I never thought I would like Nebula but she really did turn out to be a great character!

      YES, I didn't mention it in the post but I totally agree with what you said about Thor: I wish he had been more the Thor we knew. And for kind of the same reason I wish Hulk hadn't been the way he was; it's the LAST FIGHT TOGETHER. We want our heroes to be the heroes we know and love. :( But overall I do like the thing they had going on with Thor's story.

      I was so scared when the movie first came out, I thought everyone was going to die. xD As time went on and I found out about Tony but no one else I kind of had the feeling more people would survive than I thought... but it was NERVEWRACKING.

      Honestly, it doesn't make much sense at all. There should have been soooo much more focus on fighting Thanos. *headdesk*


      Yes, as sad as it was, I think Natasha had a peace about her decision. Not only because it saved Clint's life, but this was what she was passionate about, saving the world. And they got to because of her. <3

      Oh my goodness, Coulson!! I totally should have mentioned him in the post!! But YES. He should have been there. He TOTALLY should have been there. We Agents of Shield fans deserved this. *cries* Also, another thing I didn't mention, but I wish Fury had been in it more too! Just that shot of him at the funeral wasn't enough. *shakes head*

      Thank you!! Gah, SO many emotions. I never thought that Marvel would affect me quite like this, but here we are. xD

  7. AAAAAHHHHH THIS POST. It's gold! *sobs* I love all your thoughts. I haven't felt so full of emotions about Endgame since I watched the movie months ago. Goodness gracious. *more sobbing*


  8. It gave me the same feeling as Lord of the Rings too!
    Such a good movie!!
