Saturday, February 6, 2021


Hellooo everyone! It's been a few weeks since I was here and here I am still posting late oops, but I'm BACK, hopefully to stay. 

Sooo, today I really just wanted to ramble a bit about what's been on my mind regarding goals and new years and rest. This post is really just a (super long) mashup of some random thoughts, and maybe they'll benefit someone. Who knows. 

If you're like me, January sees you going full-force at a bunch of new goals you've just made. You're ready to get things done, change some habits, and maybe change your life while you're at it. And there's nothing wrong with that! But here's something you need to remember: 

New years should be about growth, not perfection. 

It's unrealistic to go into a new year thinking you can do a complete 180 and change everything about yourself. It's okay to have goals and want to change things- we see new years as a clean slate, after all, with no mistakes in it yet (to paraphrase Anne Shirley). The desire to make the year perfect while we have the chance is strong and tempting. 

But it's also maddening

You want to read your Bible every day without missing, or not hit snooze, or exercise, or eat healthier. And then you miss one day, and it DRIVES. YOU. CRAZY because you wanted to last the whole year and make it a year to remember and now with just ONE MISTAKE it's all ruined. (I keep saying you but I really mean ME)

But you know what? We're human. Perfection is not a part of our makeup. So, this year I'm choosing to remind myself: Focus on this being a year of growth. Make all the ambitious goals, get super motivated, do what you can to improve on whatever you hope to improve on. But allow yourself room to be imperfect, too. Don't let a broken routine within the first month of the year ruin the next twelve months. If our goal is perfection, we're only going to be disappointed. But if we choose to focus on growth instead, and make the decision to work on that, we'll see improvement and be happier with it. 

We want to make so. much. progress every new year. But maybe we're just not meant to grow that fast. Some people move more slowly. If December sees you only slightly more improved than you were in January, that's okay. Because growth is growth, and perfection is impossible. 

NOW. While we're on the topic of change and progress and all that good stuff... I had to make a decision I really didn't want to make. (that sounds way more ominous than it actually is.) Like I said, we want to see progress in the new year, and as a writer, of course I'd love to see myself writing thousands of words starting from January 1 and finishing a novel or twelve and submitting dozens of short stories. And maybe, someday, I'll be able to do that. 

I'm in college right now. I'm super grateful to have a pretty chill schedule at the moment, and I've been keeping up with homework like a dream. (this did nooooot happen last semester.) So, naturally, I hoped to get tons of writing time in. I wrote a piece of flash fiction in January and started another. I kept meaning to finish it but just couldn't seem to remember to sit down and do it... even though I was close to being done. (Note that by this time school had started again.) Then, of course, my mindset goes to keep-up-keep-up-work-ahead-on-everything-keep-up-and-maybe-you-can-write-a-bunch-of-stories. And I was getting a bit discouraged thinking I wouldn't be able to write as much as I'd hoped. 

So here's the deal: I'm quitting writing for this semester.

I can't expect myself to do everything. Even though this semester is less demanding than the last one and I feel pretty good about where I am... writing is a commitment, and it doesn't really work for me to find a few hours a week to write sporadically. I'd rather be in a place where I can create a routine and devote a good amount of time to writing at a time. I just can't do that right now. 

And here's another thing: I miss reading. Since September, the only fiction books I've finished are The Fellowship of the Ring and a Melody Carlson Christmas book. I'm about halfway through The Two Towers, and while I'm very much enjoying my trip back through Middle Earth, I decided it was better to put it aside for now and read something new. I have SO many books I haven't read yet, and trying to get through my LOTR reread before tackling any of those was kind of just dragging me down. 

Part of the reason for that was just that I was not making time to read. If I wasn't working and going to school, I would have finished LOTR months ago. But for basically the past six months, I've just not been reading much at all. Last semester I could just feel my creative soul dying little by little. Most of my reading was school-related, I didn't have much time to watch any movies or TV shows, and I barely read any blogs. Then came NaNoWriMo, which was quite successful but probably also drained me more than I realized at the time. 

My month off from school helped a little. I focused more on resting and making plans for the year, so I didn't do a whole lot of reading then, either, which I didn't really mind. But my creativity needs a boost, because it hasn't really been properly fed for months. And trying to add writing to the mix just isn't feasible right now. I was trying to force ideas into my head, and that's never really a great idea. 

This doesn't mean that I'm banning myself from writing at all. Obviously, I'll still be blogging. If I have a brilliant idea for a short story, I'm not going to waste it. And I still 100% plan to do Camp NaNoWriMo in April- which is part of the reason I want to take a writing break now, so I won't wear myself down and burn out by April. But overall, I think it's time for me take an intentional step back and just let myself breathe for a while. Take creativity as it comes instead of trying to force it. Recharge that creativity by reading more books again, and taking the time to watch some more TV. (which might sound kind of bad, but I hardly watch TV and there are some movies and things I'd really like to watch.) 

Truthfully, I hate the idea of taking a break. Of being a creator who's not creating, while I watch other creators pump things out like crazy. It makes me feel behind. 

Here's where I remind you (and myself) of something we always need to hear: JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT CREATING AT THE SAME RATE AS EVERYBODY ELSE DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE BEHIND. It doesn't mean you're less creative or less capable of writing great stories. It doesn't mean your time is wasting away and you're throwing away your chances of being a success. It just means it's not your time right now. 

Nadine Brandes has said that when she was in college, she hardly wrote at all. And that might seem bad for a writer, but just because you're not writing doesn't mean you're not growing as a writer. When she graduated and started writing again, her writing was stronger because she herself had grown and gained life experience. Just because you're not writing doesn't mean you can't be growing as a writer.

I didn't really want to hear that at the time, because I hadn't started college yet and was dreading the idea of having to step away from writing. But that's where I am right now, and I'm allowing myself to be okay with it.

That being said... I'm still planning on working on one of my WIPs. Roots to Claim still needs its second draft finished, which I put aside to do NaNoWriMo last year. And I'm excited to get back to it, because I love my boys and I was really enjoying going back through the story last year. I think editing and rewriting will take a lot less out of me than trying to create new stories; plus, it's easier for me to do a little editing a time and have to set it aside when I need to, than to do that with first drafts. 

Aaaand that's my very rambly, very long and probably incoherent post of thoughts and plans. Goodness, I'm sorry I went on so long. xD But I want to encourage you all to let yourself rest when you need to. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect and reach all your goals- just work on growing. And writers, if you find yourself in a season of life where writing has to take a backseat... you're not failing. The time to write will come back, and you might just find yourself even more ready to write when it does. 

I do hope you're all having a lovely February! I'll see you next week!

Have you ever had to take a break from writing? Did it benefit you in any way? And what are you reading right now? (I'm reading Brand of Light by Ronie Kendig, which is outside of my normal genre, but I'm enjoying it so far!)


  1. love this post so so much. i'm currently in college, and i've barely written anything and it's ok. i'm choosing to focus on school, and my little free time is spent with my roommates. ♥️

    i hope your semester goes well!! <3

    1. Yes!! Writing will always be there later, but right now school should be my main focus, as well as spending time with people, like you said. It's important to soak these moments up while they're here!

      Thank you! Same for you! :)

  2. Definitely needed to hear that. My edits are going so slowly because of school and other things

    1. It's hard to accept being in a place where the only progress is slow progress, isn't it? I wish you the best of luck with your edits and school! <3

  3. Oh goodness, I absolutely adore this. As someone who's been in a wee bit of a creative rut the past few weeks, this was such an encouraging and inspiring blog to read this morning! I especially love how you said this: "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT CREATING AT THE SAME RATE AS EVERYBODY ELSE DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE BEHIND" >> because....yes. All of the yes. This is something that I've been thinking about and struggling with, and I honestly went back and read that bit three times just to let it soak in properly. I'm always panicking that maybe I'm behind on my writing--maybe my output is less than another's, and therefore I'm not as much of a writer. But like??? That's ridiculous. As long as I'm creating, I'm a writer. And the speed with which I produce a draft or short story doesn't matter...

    Honestly I don't know how to thank you enough for putting that into words. You've really inspired me. XD

    ALSO. I hope your break from writing is super refreshing and refilling for your creative well!! I definitely feel you on watching more television. I haven't watched half the shows I'd like to, and it's AWFUL because I've been hearing about so many good ones. XD

    1. Aww!! I'm so happy you found this inspiring! <3 I've definitely had that panicked feeling too- like, everybody else is making so much progress and I can see them really going places and I feel like I'm just sitting here not doing anything. But it's better to allow yourself time to grow than to rush it! You said it so well!

      Thank you! I'm actually getting really excited about the idea of filling my creative well, as you said. And I know right?? For me it's more movies than shows, really, but there's so much I'd like to see and so little time! xD

  4. Awww, Emily! I love this post SO MUCH and I really appreciate your opening your heart to us. Everything here is SUCH a good reminder for ALL of us creatives. YES YES YES! And it looks like we've both been thinking about so many of the same things regarding our writing and rest and ALL of that.

    "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT CREATING AT THE SAME RATE AS EVERYBODY ELSE DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE BEHIND." <--- *screams YES at the top of my lungs* THANK YOU for saying this! Just...YES. THANK YOU! I am TERRIBLE about both playing the comparison game AND feeling like I'm always in a rush and just??? That's such a toxic way to approach my writing. MY journey isn't someone else's journey, it's mine, and it's so important to just take the path in the most healthy way possible. That is definitely something I've been trying to put into practice, and everything you touched on just rang with me SO SO hard. So again I say: THANK YOU!!! I needed to read all of this! <3

    I'm really proud of you for setting aside your writing for now. There are definitely different seasons in our life where we have to adjust our workload, even when it's so hard. I think it's SUCH an admirable thing that you're doing this and adjusting to this new season.

    Basically? I LOVED THIS POST AND I'M SO PROUD OF YOU AND JUST YES!!! Thank you again for sharing all of this. These were definitely words I needed to hear. <3

    I hope you have a most wonderful semester, dear friend!

    1. Aww, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it! I think SO many writers play the comparison game and give themselves a hard time for not moving as quickly as other people aaaaand I'm up there with the worst of them. "My journey isn't someone else's journey, it's mine"-- yes!! So true! We're all so different and trying to work as hard or as fast as someone else is so dangerous. I learned something about Tolkien recently that stuck with me- he took 12 years to write LOTR, which I already knew, but he addressed the fact that he had other responsibilities in his life that made the process so long. He seemed pretty at peace with not being able to write quickly because of other things he had going on- and he produced one of the greatest stories of all time. That was a pretty big inspiration for me to just go at my own pace and not drive myself crazy when I'm not able to write!

      Funny thing is, I haven't been doing much writing at all lately (really none since NaNo, other than the flash fiction I mentioned)... but just taking the step to intentionally set it aside has been so freeing. I don't have the constant nagging voice in my head that I should write... because it's taking a much needed vacation. xD

      Thank you so much, Christine! I'm so happy you found some encouragement in these words! <33

  5. I really needed to hear this. Thank you! I've been feeling guilty about not working on projects, mostly because I'm busy with school (but also a bit because I'm stuck), and I need to both know that it's okay AND reevaluate my creative schedule, so thank you for the reminder. :)

    1. Aw, you're so welcome! I've definitely felt the guilt before, too, when I'm not working on the things I want to. It's really hard to give yourself grace and set them aside for a while. I hope your creative schedule gets the boost it needs (and that you can get unstuck ;))!

  6. I think your making a really good decision. It's important to recharge and change up your schedule. I especially liked what you said about not feeling bad if your not creating at the same pace. I needed that.

    1. Thanks, Skye! Yes, it's SO important to recharge. As writers we're kind of... creating WORLDS and PEOPLE and... that's kind of a big deal. So I think we're entitled to a little rest. ;) Aw, I hope you were encouraged! <3

  7. Thanks for this Emily! Lately I haven't been reading much because school has kept me quite busy.
    A few years ago, I just decided to read for enjoyment and not to set a goal that would force me to read just to reach a goal. I also LOVE what you said about growth and not perfection. That reminded me of how my band teacher is always saying when we sight read. If we only catch one more note in the sight reading, we have improved. It isn't a lot, but it's something. Awesome post!

    1. Aw, you're welcome! And yeahhh, I feel your pain. I used to read SO much more than I do now.

      That's a great thing to do! I've really had to reexamine WHY I read and stop putting so much pressure on myself to finish one book before moving on to another one (which, generally, I do, but with LOTR I just really needed a break this time), or to finish a book before the month's out, and just... it's silly. I read for fun, not to fulfill some kind of ridiculous schedule. I still take part in the Goodreads reading challenge, but I take reading much less seriously than I was for a while!

      Thank you! That's a great piece of advice that you band teacher gave- I love it! Focusing on growth really makes us see all the ways we've improved instead of setting expectations we could never fulfill.

      Thank you so much! Thanks for reading! :)

  8. I feel called out...but in a good way. Every day I either try to do everything all at once or I do nothing and I really want to find that balance. Thank you for these reminders, Emily! I definitely need and appreciate them. <3 Some choices are hard to make, but we've got this!

    1. Hehe, nothing like a good "calling out". ;) Yess, finding that balance is so important. You're so welcome! We've absolutely got this! <3

  9. I totally feel this. Once upon a time I felt I had all my writing together! It's not that I can't get up anymore, it's just so hard to write these days. My life is a bizarre enough story as is. So I've been allowing myself to sketch and read mostly, and only write when I know it won't drain me. Feels so weird, because I really do want to write and finish a couple books that are pressing on my heart. But yeah, we can't be perfect. And so for now I'm going to just blog and read and draw. And work, of course. If only I could cut that out sometimes, haha!!!


    1. "only write when I know it won't drain me"-- okay but that's SO important! Even if writing is someone's passion and the only thing they want to do... if it's draining you it's probably not the best time to be writing. Thanks for that reminder! (Yeah, cutting out the work part would be great sometimes... xD)

  10. Thank you for this post. These were some things I really needed to hear. I’m not taking a break from writing but my writing is going slower than I’d like it to. I got some bombshell news in January that really impacted my mental health and my motivation has taken a dive so now I just have to be like every bit of writing counts even if it’s not as much as I want to get in.

  11. I JUST WANT TO CONGRATULATE YOU SO MUCH ON TAKING THIS STEP AND DOING WHAT YOU NEEDED TO FOR YOUR LIFE AND JOURNEY!!! Slowing down/stopping writing and blogging while I was in school was so hard for me, but I know it was definitely what I needed to do for the time.

    And I know what you mean about feeling your creative soul dying while you're not consuming other stories! I didn't catch onto that for a long time, but as storytellers, we really do have to be consuming other stories, whether that's reading, watching movies, TV, whatever. Just other sources of inspiration.

    So, yeah, anyways. This is a lovely post! And I wish you the best in school, reading, TV/Movie watching, and rewrites :)

    Sidenote... in your TV/movie watching, have you, by chance, come across WandaVision?


  12. This post was GOLD. I needed to read this, I needed to be reminded. Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts and I wish your plans this year well!
