Saturday, February 27, 2021


Happy Saturday, everyone! And happy penultimate day of February. wut. o.o

I don't know about y'all, but this month just FLEW by for me. My main focus has been on just getting through the semester (let's be real here, that's every college student's goal), and I guess it's kept me distracted enough to barely notice the month whizzing by around me. And here we are, suddenly 1/6 of the way through the year. (okay ummmm I kind of just freaked myself out by saying that. let's not talk about that again.)

BUT it was still a great month! Read on for all the (not-so-juicy) details!

You guys. 


It has been SO long since I read more than... heck, half a book in a month? I don't know for sure, but over the past six months or so (basically ever since I started college... though it was kind of rough before then, too) I've just been reading so little. And there are going to be seasons of life in which that happens and that's okay, but I've just been aching to consume more stories. (And my TBR was aching under all the weight.)

It didn't start off as a super speedy reading month. The first book I finished, I started back in January. BUT that book (Brand of Light) kickstarted me back into reading, and I am having a BLAST. 

Here are the books I read this month:

Brand of Light by Ronie Kendig: 4 stars // slightly disappointed me but I still very much enjoyed it // that ending was RUTHLESS though

The Girl Who Could See by Kara Swanson: 4 stars // BRILLIANT concept // Kara Swanson really knows how to pull a reader in

The Journey by Verity A. Buchanan: 3.5-4 stars // SIBLINGGSSS // Fred is my new love

Coral by Sara Ella: currently a little over halfway through this one (probably gonna finish it tonight and come back here to update this post when I do) and it's SO GOOD // MERMAIDS

Over, this was a GREAT reading month and I'm just so happy to be taking in stories again. I'm just hungry for all the books and literally can't read fast enough to satisfy me. 

If you read this post from earlier in the month, you'll remember I'm currently taking a break from writing, to take some strain off myself during college and also to read more books and charge my creative battery back up. (And I've already mentioned how fantastic reading has been lately, so it's definitely been a successful break so far!) However, I have been working on edits/rewrites for draft 2 of Roots to Claim, and enjoying it so VERY much. I say it every time I bring this story up and I'll continue to say it: I love my Archlan and my Quinard. I've been moving slowly through this draft this time around, not putting too much pressure on myself, but it's been so lovely and I'm glad I switched my focus back to it. 

Also: I changed my mind about my April Camp NaNo project. When I first decided to take a break from writing, I said I would make an exception (take a break from the break, I guess XD) for Camp NaNo, in which I would be working on and hopefully finishing the first draft of my second Trentley and Jynnia book. Now that I'm back into Roots to Claim again, I decided it would be better to stick with it and make that my project for this April. Whether I'll still be finishing up draft two or moving on to draft three (!!!), I don't know, but I'm definitely not going anywhere. I'm excited about it right now and just don't really want to change gears. Plus, it'll extend my breather from writing new things a little longer, which I think will be good. I plan to jump back into Trentley and Jynnia's story when the semester is over and I have summer break; so that'll be my project for July! I think it just works out so much better this way.

We got TONS of snow this month! It was kind of insane. Almost two whole weeks of classes were canceled (you're not gonna hear me complaining). And this snow was just wild. We really haven't gotten much snow in the past several years, and whatever we did get always melted pretty much right away. But this month the temperatures were pretty consistently single-digit for a while, so we got to actually keep the snow and enjoy it for about a week. 

It started snowing on the evening of Valentine's Day, and just DID. NOT. STOP for more than twenty-four hours. I'm talking heavy snowfall and crazy accumulation. My huge dog was knee deep in the stuff. xD I said recently I was ready for spring (an unusual thing for me to say), but I absolutely LOVED this winter wonderland we got to experience. It's been so long since we got any amount of snow for longer than a couple days, and definitely YEARS since we got this much. So, I was just soaking. it. up. (And really wishing I would find a wardrobe to stumble through into a magical land, because the snow was making me wish like crazy that I'd run into Mr. Tumnus.)

Speaking of Valentine's Day, I spent the first part of the day playing Monopoly with my family... and CRUSHING them. Muahaha. (I also made brownies with strawberry frosting and red and pink sprinkles. Because if you're gonna make brownies for the occasion, you gotta go all out.) Then that evening, I watched Mirror, Mirror with my sisters and had pizza and ice cream. A lovely day indeed!

I got a super cool bookish sweatshirt from My Bookish Den and I'm obsessed with it because GUYS. IT HAS A TIME TO DIE ON IT. 

I knew as soon as I saw it that I neeeeeeded it, precious, because OF COURSE I need a shirt with A Time to Die on it. (It has some other epic books, too, like The Hobbit, Narnia, and Cinder, but y'all KNOW Out of Time is like my favorite series ever soooo yeah.)

This is kind of random, but the 22nd was the one-year anniversary of when I watched Endgame aaaand yeah. I was feeling all the feels again. *weeps* Very much want to journey back through the MCU (even though I know I'll just get my soul destroyed again at the end). 

One more thing... this didn't actually happen in February, but close enough... I registered for Realm Makers!! *endless screaming* Aaaand I'm pretty sure I was the first person to register because I didn't know how fast they would sell out and I was paranoid. XD But I'm all signed up and I'm soooo excited!!

How is it almost March?? I know I say that every month, but... yeesh. 2021's just flying by already. In nineteen days it'll be my birthday, which doesn't seem right at all. (I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but all the COVID craziness first started right around my birthday last year, and that was the last day my whole family was together for a while. I remember my brother staying several feet away from the rest of us because he was feeling under the weather and didn't know what it was and I was thinking "oooh spooky, what if it's the coronavirus". here I am a year later and me and every member of my family has now had it. xD) 

It's also almost spring, which, like I mentioned, I'm ready for, for once! I'm always a little sad to see winter go, but this year I'm excited to be able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine, and roll the windows down in my car, and all that good stuff. 

ANYWAY. I hope all you lovely people are having a beautiful Saturday and that your February was a good one as well! See you in the comments! ♥

So, how was your February? Have you been reading a lot or maybe moving a little more slowly? And do you know what you're doing for Camp NaNo yet, if you're participating? (I realized how close it was the other day and kind of freaked out. xD) 


  1. FEBRUARY WAS SO FAST YES. Seriously, I do not know how we're at the end of it. It just felt so full and fast and crazy and I am still reeling. o.o BUT it wasn't such a bad month at all, no. Just...FAST.

    I am SO SO happy to hear you got out of your reading slump! Those are just the WORST. But, praise God, they never last forever. And EEEE!!! Looks like you're reading some GREAT books! The Girl Who Could See was amazing. And I have been DYING to read Coral. It looks so good! I definitely need to get my hands on that one. Actually, ALL those other books are on my TBR!

    That is thrilling that editing is going well too! And your plans for Camp NaNo sound perfect. Good on you for adjusting to what fits your life best right now. ^_^ I haven't quite decided if I'm going to do April's Camp NaNo yet or not...but it is definitely a possibility! I need a good motivator to get some editing and writing done, so I probably should. XD

    AAAHHHH THAT SNOW. *heart-eyes* So, so gorgeous! All the snow everyone got in February was just crazy. o.o But it sure was pretty!

    AND YOU REGISTERED FOR REALM MAKERS. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU I JUST CAN'T!!! You are going to have the best time, girl. THE BEST!!!

    It really is crazy that it's now been almost a full year since the COVID stuff started in America. What a year. o.o Let's hope this next year is a bit better! Eheh.

    Thank you for sharing this great update! Happy almost March!!! I do hope you have a good one! <3

    1. And now here we are almost at the end of March already. WHAT IS HAPPENING. XD

      Yesss I've consumed some wonderful books lately! It's really helped to just get me excited about reading again. :D And Coral was such a great book! I hope you get to read it soon!

      Thank you! It was actually kind of a relief once I decided not to finish a first draft this April. I think editing will be much more feasible for me right now! (And good luck with Camp if you decide to jump in!)

      I LOVE SNOW SO MUCH. *also heart eyes*

      EEEP THANK YOU! I'm so super excited you don't even know. xD (except you probably do because you've been there too hehe)

      It's SO crazy. I just can't comprehend how this became our normal. xD But yes, I have high hopes for this year looking a bit brighter!

      Thanks so much, Christine! I hope your March has been lovely! <3

  2. pfffft this is not freaking-out close to Camp NaNo! freaking-out close is when you realise the night before April 1st... Good job being organised ;D And you're organised for Realm Makers too!! that will be exciting.

    'Coral' looks so pretty! as does your sweatshirt, wow <3

    I just had a thought about wardrobes and Mr Tumnus. I think... are we all someone else's Mr Tumnus? that person who will take them by the hand and lead them into an adventure? (and get arrested and then turned to stone, but I'll skip that bit thanks xD) Just a musing...

    1. HA! I've definitely been there too. xD

      Coral is SO beautiful! And thank you! I love my sweatshirt. :D

      o_o okay, wow. I LOVE THAT ANALOGY SO MUCH. I will gladly identify myself as someone's Mr. Tumnus, thank you very much. xD (though yes, I'll skip the turning to stone, as well...)

  3. I'm not the only one who made a change in my reading life this year! I'm on my 12th book of 2021 and I'm so happy about it, my reading life has been so dismal recently and it NEEDED to change. Hope your March goes well for you!

    1. That's awesome!! Here's to a fantastic reading year. :D Thank you!

  4. Okay, I totally agree - what in the world happened to February??? Did this month even exist??? XD

    I'm so glad you're enjoying Roots to Claim! Every time you mention this story I get even more intrigued about it. (Archlan and Quinard sound AMAZING <3)

    YES to the snow! We got our first on the 1st, and it only finished melting yesterday. XD And woo-hoo about RM!! *high-fives*

    I hope you have a FANTASTIC March, Emily! (And yessss, spring is so close! :D)

    1. I don't think it really did exist. I think we just slept through the whole thing and then woke up on March 1st confused. xD

      AWWW WHAT that makes me so happy!! Hopefully you'll get to read it someday soon. ;D


      I hope your March is/was (this is what I get for commenting late xD) fantastic too! <33

  5. (Please don't ever say that thing about being 1/6 of the way through 2021 ever, ever again. Too scary. XD)

    I'm so glad you got back into reading! Ah, Coral is so good! But also, very, very tangly. (I stayed up really late at night reading it, and I'm still not entirely sure I got all the threads straightened out in my head!)

    We got a bunch of snow for Valentines day, too! We got, like, ten inches! Which is crazy, because we usually get maaaaaybe 1 inch. The entire winter. It was a lot of fun!

    WAIT there's a sweatshirt with A Time to Die on it? WHAT. I may need that.

    It's so exciting you're going to Realm Makers! I have always kind of wanted to go...but mostly because of the people who I would meet, not necessarily because of the things I would learn. XD I hope you have a great time!

    1. (HAHA. I mentioned that at work the other day and someone said "... THANKS NOW I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THAT" y'all gotta suffer with me XD)

      I was a little concerned that Coral would confuse me, because I had heard some things about it... but surprisingly, I didn't really have trouble keeping up with it! (this isn't me bragging because usually I get the heck confused out of myself with any kind of complex storytelling xD) I think it was actually really well done. One of my new favorites. <3

      I'm not sure how much snow we ended up with, but it was probably pretty close to ten inches! It made me so happy. :D

      YESSS YOU DO NEED IT. I'm obsessed with mine. xD

      Okay, that's SUPER accurate, because honestly I'm so excited about meeting my Internet friends that I keep forgetting I'll actually be going to classes and learning things too. xD Just icing on the cake, hehe. I hope you get to go someday!

  6. February was sooo crazy busy for me, I'm a smidge relieved to see it go. XD

    I LOVED reading about your February and am so glad you're reading again! ^_^ I want to read all of those books, especially Coral! <3

    Eeek! I forgot about Camp NaNo! How is it so close already!? *pterodactyl screech* I hope your edits/rewrites of Roots to Claims goes wonderfully! And that your break from writing is as refreshing as you need it to be! ^_^

    SNOW!! So jealous! XD We had a flurry at the beginning of February that only lasted a few hours. *sobs*

    Your sweatshirt is awesome! I need to read A Time to Die!! :D

    OHMYGOODNESS!!! You're going to Realm Makers!!! SO SO excited for you!!! *screams with you*

    I have no idea what I'm doing for Camp. I might just continue first drafting my Sleeping Beauty retelling? I've been reading far more than normal lately which has been awesome! ^_^

  7. Oh you'll love Realm Makers. I learned so much!
    Reading while taking writing breaks is super smart. You'll have a whole bunch of inspiration to work with when you get back to it.

  8. I’m so jealous of all the snow. in Georgia I got like a dusting. Lame! Can’t wait to meet you at Realm Makers!!!

  9. February went by so fast for me, too. I mean, I know that February is a short month, but it felt REALLY REALLY fast this year.
    Congrats on reading more! Reading while taking a writing break is a really good idea. AND THAT SWEATSHIRT IS AMAZING, OMW.

  10. All those books look so wonderful!!! *adds them to already ENORMOUS TBR* *falls under weight of it* *doesn't care*

    I love how you spent your Valentine's Day, LOL. Crushing it at Monopoly, brownies and ice cream, and Mirror Mirror? That sounds like the BEST!

    This month, I've all of the sudden gotten into audiobooks! I used to eschew them because I wanted to hear my own voice (or my own voice in my head) reading the story. But I tried out one at the beginning of February and now I'm obsessed! I'm making it through my audiobooks way faster than my print books and I'm just enjoying it more for some reason. So yeah, that was my reading event this month.


  11. *clutches heart* The anniversary of watching Endgame is a great day indeed. *sobs* I just saw it again in January which was the first rewatch!

    Ah, snow is glorious and I'm thrilled that you're enjoying some! Happy March, Emily!
