Tuesday, September 1, 2020






You guys. I cannot believe it's been two years since I started my blog!! And it's been SUCH a fantastic two years. I don't regret a second of it. well okay I regret all those blog posts I put up late but shh

Here are a few of my favorite memories from the past two years in the blogosphere:

-My very first comment. Most of us probably remember our first comment, right?? Mine was from the lovely C.G. Drews and made me smile SO. BIG. 

-My very first follower. Looking at you, Nicole. ;)

-Winning my first NaNo. Would this have happened without my blog? Possibly. But it wouldn't have happened alongside some fantastic Pen Dragons trying to beat the clock, and within ten minutes of another writer (wasn't that you, Faith? xD)

-Laughing with said Pen Dragons about killing characters, resurrection horses, and a napkin in a lapkin. If you know you know.

-Being published again. This probably wouldn't have happened without blogging, at least with Havok, because I discovered Havok through other bloggers. But even if it would have, it was just made 100000x more amazing with all you incredible people's support. 

-One of my blog posts, inspired by the Out of Time series which has deeply inspired me, being read by Nadine Brandes herself.

-Starting a YouTube channel (currently all but abandoned ahaha) and a Bookstagram and becoming more and more at home in this extraordinary community. 

These are all moments that either happened because of blogging or were made better because of blogging. And I love each and every one of them. 

And now what (I assume) you've all been waiting for- THE Q&A VLOG! I'M POSTING IT ON TIME THIS YEAR AHHHH

Have fun watching me not know how to answer questions, answer questions badly, and forget what questions I'm answering! All in bad quality! Woo! 

Aaaand here are the answers to the questions that got kicked out of the video. xD (These are all from McKayla!)

Favorite animal? Dog, with horse coming in at a very close second! (I know, I know. Tween me is horrified that horse didn't make #1.)

What is your greatest strength as a writer? *sighs because I excruciatingly explained this on camera and then lost the footage* The best answer I could come up with here was my ability to feel. Stories make me feel, and that's what draws me to them and makes me remember them long after they're over. And I also feel my own stories, very close to the same way I feel other people's. This is probably a more unconventional answer than you would expect, but I think it's one of the things that I appreciate most about myself as a writer.

Where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully with a better idea of where I'll be in ten years than I have now. xD The only thing I know for sure is I hope to have a book published. Or two. Or three. (okay, realistically, we'll stick with one. Since I don't even have one finished yet. xD)

And that's the end of the festivities!

I'm just so, so deeply blessed and unbelievably thankful for each and every one of you. I truly believe God led me into this community for a reason. You all have made this writing journey- this LIFE journey- richer and better than I ever imagined. You'll never know how much it means when you support me and say you're praying for me. Maybe I've only known you a couple of years, but now I don't know what I would do without you. ♥

Thank you all for reading, watching, and sticking around! Allll the love, cookies, and books! *throws confetti*


  1. Lovely vlog! It was so fun to watch! And I'm sort of sorry/not sorry about making you have a crisis over your favorite books. :) (I probably should have clarified that series would work as well...I agree that with individual books, top five was unnecessarily cruel).

    1. Thank you!! Haha, I mean, we have crises over our favorite books on pretty much a daily basis, right? So nothing new there. xD

  2. EEK! I woke up this morning to see this was posted! So exciting!

    "I like it...in my face" <--I about died of laughter when you said that!! #hardsame

    Happy blogoversary! I hope that you have many more great years of blogging!

    1. Aww, that's so sweet!!

      XD #truth

      Thank you so much, Sarah!

  3. Also, it makes me feel way better to know that there are other people who don't have a write-every-day-whether-you-feel-like-it-or-not writing regime...cause I sure don't! XD

  4. AAAHHHHHHH!!!! HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!! *explodes the room with confetti and glitter* I'm SO glad you started blogging, because otherwise I wouldn't have met my "twin" and my life would be much less bright. I feel so blessed to know you, and adore you and your blog! <3 That is SO special you've had so many great memories and milestones via blogging. Blogging has blessed me in so many ways as well. It's such a delight!

    And oh my goodness, your Q&A was such a treat! I was grinning for like the entire time!

    Your keys to world domination are perfect. I mean OF COURSE a frying pan. Super important. XD

    I love that your first story was about a deer who said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" That's gold right there. XDD

    I DID say "fictional characters" instead of literary characters, because I totally meant from movies or your characters or ANYONE. 'Cause we gotta include the Marvel team in there, naturally. Sam, Steve, and Parvin would be one epic group to hang out with!!!

    Coffee, water, and music--literally my writing session combination too! :D

    Ooooh, being Lucy for a month during the golden age of Narnia would be the DREAM. Fabulous answer!

    "How do you like your coffee? In my face." <---Best answer EVER. XDDD

    "Stop moving your hands!" Lolololol

    This was just so much fun! Thank you for answering all our evil questions. ;D And happy blogiversary again!!! I cannot wait for many more years of delightful Emily posts! <333

    1. Aww Christine!! *happy tears* I'm so glad to have met you, too, and you are certainly a blessing in my life as well! <33

      I mean, would any intelligent person try to dominate the world withOUT a frying pan?? XD

      I honestly have no idea what was even going on in that deer story. xD

      Thank you, friend!! <33

  5. Happy blogaversary!!!
    Fun video!
    I've done some archery, it's really fun!
    I love the Kindric Brother's movies too!


    1. Thank you!! Ooh, really? That's awesome! I want to try it someday for sure.

      Yes, they're so good!

  6. I'm so late, but happy blogoversary!
