Saturday, August 29, 2020





Buuut we'll try to refrain from screaming too much about that yet. At least until the end of this post. xD Because today we're not looking forward but looking back on what happened in August!

Reading was... rough this month. As of the time I'm writing this, I've only completed one book. And with school starting (spoiler alert for later in the post), who knows how my reading life might look in the future. But I have to keep reminding myself it's okay. (Even though after being ahead all year I'm now one book behind on my Goodreads goal... *twitches*)

The book I finished was Chasing Shadows by Ashley Townsend, and I'm currently reading Defying Shadows, the last book in the trilogy. Will, guys. That is all. 

Writing just... hasn't really been happening? There have been a few days when I've sat down and gotten some words down/edited, but for the most part I just haven't made the time. (Note I didn't say I haven't had the time... I just haven't made the time. #writerprobs) And again, with school, who knows what will happen in the coming months. But I'm still excited about my story... which is weird, because why am I not working on it more if that's true. xD But oh well. 

I also realized that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING FOR NANOWRIMO. *panics*

Yes, I am still planning on doing it, even though I know I'll be crazy busy with work and school and also trying to find time to breathe, but I can't just not do it. Maybe I'll fail miserably, who knows, but it wouldn't be November without at least an attempt, right?

Buuut... should probably start deciding what I want to write. xD

So, yeah. The big thing: I STARTED COLLEGE. 

I'm only a week in so far. I've tried not to expect too much of myself this past week; just getting a feel for my new routine and letting things fall into place. I can't really say how I feel so far, other than WEIRD. It's been four years since I was in school, guys. And, oh yeah, I didn't step foot into a classroom for any of that. So. xD 

Aaaand I also never thought that I would be starting college in the middle of a pandemic. Hello, masks, the back-to-school fashion trend of 2020. lol this is SUCH a weird year

I made a college playlist, which I've been listening to almost constantly. 

My bullet journal theme for this month: Descendants. (August 2nd marked a year since the premiere of D3, so I thought it would be fitting.)

As you can see I didn't do much with my writing log page... but I still like it. xD (even if those apples do look super funky)

Not gonna lie, I planned to do more involving the theme... but I'm pretty happy with what I did do! (The song lyrics I featured are from my two favorite songs of the trilogy.)

In other news, I started watching Avatar: The Last Airbender!!

This was long overdue. I'm only a few episodes in (and I'll probably have to stop soon to wait for new episodes to be put up on YouTube lol) but I love it so far! Aang is the cutest, and I have laughed out loud so many times already. I'm compiling a list of quotes that will 100% somehow be involved in a blog post soon. xD

Guess what, guys?? WE'RE ONLY THREE DAYS AWAY FROM MY BLOGIVERSARY!! I'll be filming my Q&A vlog soon (so, if you didn't submit questions... too little too late, sorry xD), and I can't wait to celebrate two years with you all! *blows kazoo*

All in all, August went by really fast. But it was good, too. I made an effort to read more (I didn't say I was successful... I said I made an effort xD), became a student again, got some new books. And now I look forward to September with VERY, VERY MUCH EXCITEMENT. 

I hope you all had a great August! Here's to September!! Here's to autumn!!! *cheers way too loud*

How was your month? Who started back to school (college, high school, whatever)? Do you know what you're doing for NaNoWriMo yet? And most importantly, WHO'S AS EXCITED ABOUT FALL AS I AM???


  1. *flails hand in the air* I'M EXCITED ABOUT FALL. ME ME ME!!! I am SO. PUMPED. the summer is almost over. GIMME ALL THE FALL THINGS. August did just FLY by buuut I'm always excited about the last few months of the year, so I'm not really complaining. XD

    YOU STARTED COLLEGE AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! I've been thinking about you and praying for you with that. I do hope it's going well! <333


    YOU STARTED AVATAR! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Only one of my most favorite shows EVER. And it just gets better and better as it goes on. No spoilers but...oh man. It's just so good.

    OH OH. WILL. Will from the Rising Shadows books is 1000% worth reading them alone. <3

    EEP. So excited about your blogiversary!!! :D Can't wait to see the Q&A!

    I do hope you have the most FRABJOUS September! Fall is almost heeere! *throws leaves in the air like confetti*

    1. SAAAME! The last few months of the year are definitely the best and nobody can convince me otherwise. xD

      Aww, Christine!! That means so much! Thank you! <3

      Yes!! Ahh now you have me even more excited to see the rest of the show! :D

      ALSO yes- WILL IS THE BEST. <3

      Thank youuu!! *rolls around in leaf confetti*


    (okay but I found a sketchy site that has all the episodes soooooo XD)


      (oooh yes share the sketchy site xD)

  3. I'm so excited for September and Fall!! So ready for the cool weather and the colorful leaves and pumpkins and just everything! Also, I hope your first semester goes well! I started back up at college this past week too. It was a pretty jam packed week classwork wise, but overall I think it went pretty smoothly. As for Nanowrimo... I forgot that was happening and it's pretty much only a month away!! So... I have no idea what I'm doing for that. Time to start brainstorming and freaking out slightly haha
    I love Avatar!! If you have Netflix it's on there now along with Legend of Korra. :)

    1. I realized in the middle of today that I wrote on this post that Nanowrimo was only a month away and then realized... we still have September and October to get through before Nanowrimo lol! I guess it's just wishful thinking... I'm ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving haha

  4. Aaaah fall! Yesterday totally felt like a fall day (under 70 degrees, lol), but today it's back up to the...80s. Come on, September!

    Your bullet journal is GORGOEUS, as usual! I love your writing log!

    And I'm excited for your blogoversary!

    I hope college continues to go well for you! It is SUCH a weird year!


    And best wishes as you head into college too!

  6. As always, I love your bullet journal spreads!!

    Also, how it is almost NaNo?! Thankfully, I've a pretty good idea of what I'm planning on working on, but I'm still sort of in denial that it's actually time to start plotting them.

    I hope that college goes well for you! I'm glad that you're working on easing your way in instead of pushing too hard. That's wise. I also hope your September is also great!!

  7. Your Descendants theme is perfect! Great idea! Man, I can't believe the third came out a year ago. Time goes way too quickly!
