Tuesday, August 11, 2020


 Hey everyone! You may have noticed it's not my regular posting day. You may not have. Either way, you're here now. wheeere am I even going with this

ANYWAY. Yeah, you guessed it: I'M HERE TO COLLECT YOUR QUESTIONS! My two-year blogaversary is coming up on September 1, and I'm doing another Q&A to celebrate! 

So, this is the place to drop all your burning inquiries! Ask me about my writing, books, movies, music, coffee, bullet journaling, tips for world domination- WHATEVER. Hit me up in the comment section, and I'll answer them all in a vlog to be posted with my blogaversary celebration! (maybe this year it'll get posted on time lololol hahaha -_-)

Aaaand that is all! I can't wait to see all your questions! :D Hope everyone has a lovely rest of your week! ♥


  1. *rubs hands together* YESSS, ANOTHER Q&A!!!
    - Any tips for world domination? (look, you suggested it XD)
    - Favorite character you've ever written?
    - What has your experience with being published under Havok taught you?
    - What's a skill you wish you had?

  2. Yay, congratulations on your Blogaversary!

    My questions:
    How long have you been bullet journaling?
    How do you make your spreads look so ah may zing?
    How much time do you typically spend writing each week?
    How much time do you usually spend reading each week?
    What is your favorite flower?
    Top five favorite books? (Because asking about one is like asking who your favorite child is...)

  3. Aaaahhhh your Blogiversary is coming up? And you're doing a Q&A??? *happy flailing* This is gonna be so much funnnn!!!

    Okay, okay! Questions. *rubs hands together and grins*

    -When did you first discover you love writing?
    -If you could hang out with any 3 fictional characters for a day, who would you choose?
    -What does a normal writing session look like for you?
    -If you had to trade places with a fictional character for a month, who would you become?
    -What's your favorite standalone book and what's your favorite series?

    (I feel evil over some of these. Bwahahaha.)

  4. Congrats on your upcoming blogoversary!!!

    Here are my questions:

    What pens/tools do you like using for your BuJo?
    How do you like your coffee?
    What is one of your favorite writing memories?

  5. Yay for 2 years! It seems crazy! Okay for some Qs.

    Would you like to look like Merida from Brave the movie?
    How do you like doing YouTube so far?
    What type of YouTube videos do you like to watch?
    What are some hobbies you have that you have not told us about?


  6. Yay, Happy Blogiversary! *throws confetti*
    Here are my questions:
    What is an unusual skill or talent you have?
    What is an unusual talent you wish you had?
    What is your favorite genre?
    Favorite Marvel movie?
    Favorite Disney Channel movie?
    Favorite animal?
    What is your greatest strength,as a writer?
    Where do you see yourself in ten years?
    If you could only read three books for the rest of your life, what would they be?
    Favorite color?
    Youtube or TV?
    Cats or dogs?
    Favorite superhero?
    Least favorite superhero?

  7. I'm a little late, but I hope these still count!:

    What is your favorite movie in your least favorite genre?
    Who were your first OTP?
    Favorite LotR character?
    Favorite Trentley and Jynnia short story? ;)
    If you were a superhero what would your power be?

    Happy blogoversary!!!
