Saturday, September 5, 2020


 Hello everyone! I hope you're having a lovely weekend.

So, as you know, I just started college. And turns out- I don't have everything together.

I've already found myself getting overwhelmed, not really with the work but the idea of it. I've kept up with everything so far, but it's a lot, you know? It's a big commitment. And sleep is already becoming a foreign concept to me. More than it already was. 

I've also had no time to write. There have been days when I've been determined to set aside even just a few minutes, but it just hasn't happened. Reading's been pretty nonexistent too. And I hate that. 

So, here's the deal. I'm going to shoot for posting every other week. Sometimes I might end up posting more, sometimes less. It all just depends on how my schedule goes and how many times I've had an existential crisis that week. I have no plans on going on another hiatus or anything like that. But you're probably going to be seeing a little less of me for a while. 

Like I said when I announced my hiatus in July: it's not like blogging is the most time-consuming thing I do. Far from it. But it is the most realistic thing to cut back on. Heck, if nothing else it's one less thing to stay up late making sure it gets done, so maybe I'll get five more minutes of sleep every night. xD

This was a pretty spur-of-the-moment decision. But I'm trying to scale back on some of my expectations for myself early on in the college game, so I don't get too hampered down with so many responsibilities. It's not a huge change, but I just wanted you guys to know what's going on so you don't wonder where I went. :P

That being said, I'll probably have a post next Saturday? Who really knows? But we'll see. Like I said, it's just kind of up in the air right now. Thanks for sticking with me. ♥ 

One more (completely unrelated) thing: last September, I created the Hobbiton Tag in celebration of Hobbit Day (Bilbo and Frodo's birthday!) on the 22nd. And I just thought I'd revive it in case anyone wants to bring the party back throughout September! Because Hobbit Day + a cozy, fallish tag = YES, PLEASE. ;)

Oh, also- if you missed it, my two-year blogiversary was on Tuesday and I posted my celebratory Q&A vlog! You can find that HERE

And that's all! Love you guys, and I'll see you when I see you! ♥


  1. No worries, Emily! I can only imagine all of the work that you have to do!

  2. That is totally okay, girl! I'm proud of you for prioritizing and knowing your limits. After all, this season of college won't last forever, so there's no point in pushing yourself. You need sleep SOMETIMES. ;)

    I do hope this new season is going well and you find that perfect balance! <3

  3. No worries at all! Best of luck at college!

  4. Dude, I SO understand this!! Blogging is absolutely wonderful (and one of the best decisions I ever made as a writer), but it's definitely time consuming, and sometimes it's better to take a break to focus on higher priorities... And every other week schedule is a LOT easier to keep up with, I've found, than weekly, so hopefully it works well for you, as well!! And EEP! CONGRATS ON BEING IN COLLEGE! I'm rooting for you, girly! ������

  5. Hope you get more sleep! :D Don't rush, Get back to normal posting whenever you can.

  6. College does seem super tough, I don't know how people balance everything.
    You got this!

  7. Hi, I just wanted to let you know I did your Hobbiton Tag! It was so much fun answering the questions! Thanks for creating it!!!
