Thursday, August 8, 2019

Bestiary Tag!

Hey guys! Hope you're having a fantastic August so far! Mine's been pretty good, and in fact I have some exciting news to share with you guys. Not just YET, though. You have to wait. ;)

But anyway! Today I'm doing a super fun tag that was actually CREATED by the awesome Victoria at Wanderer's Pen. Thanks for the tag, Victoria! :D

So basically this tag is dedicated to mythical creatures, which is totally awesome and makes me really wish dragons were real. But who doesn't, right?

Anyway. Until we can figure out a way to make that happen, we can just enjoy these questions and pretend.

1.) What is your favorite mythical creature? I'd love to be different and say something really out of the ordinary, but I'm going to have to go with dragons on this one. Dragons are AWESOME, guys.

2.) When was the first time you heard of this beast? I have NO idea, lol. I'm sure I already knew what dragons were at this point, but honestly, the oldest memories I can think of containing dragons are of the old kids' show Dragon Tales. I used to watch it ALL the time and I still bug my family with the theme song on a daily basis. xD

3.) What is your favorite portrayal of this creature in media? I love Smaug in The Hobbit. He's MASSIVE and super cool-looking and just plain intimidating. He's not exactly the kind of dragon I'd want to know personally (unless, you know, he's my friend), but man, he sure can tear things UP.

4.) If you could shapeshift into a mythical beast what would you pick? MERMAID. Mermaid, mermaid, mermaid. Guys, I've wanted to be a mermaid so bad since I watched H20: Just Add Water. I mean, I would basically give anything to be a mermaid. Can I be a mermaid?

5.) What mythical beast would you love to have as a pet? Probably a pegasus. When I was little I had a whole stable with all these imaginary horses (embarrassing, I know) and some of them were pegasi. I used to think it would just be so awesome to be able to ride a pegasus through the sky.

6.) What is your favorite mythological story surrounding a fantastical beast like in Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, etc.? I can't really answer this question because I don't actually know much mythology. Shameful, I know. I guess that's something I'll have to educate myself on. *sigh*

7.) What mythical creature would terrify you the most if you encountered it in person? Cerberus would be pretty terrifying. Or a werewolf. Or a yeti. (Does that count? xD) Basically all the furry things with way more aggression than furry things should ever have.

8.) What is the most unusual mythical creature you've ever heard of? Can we talk about the chimera for a minute? Because that thing is MESSED UP. It's a lion with a goat head on its back, guys. And a tail with a snake's head. What the heck???

9.) What uncommon mythical beast do you wish you saw more of in books and movies? I would love to see more phoenixes, because they're super awesome and I think the only one I've ever seen was in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I'm sure they're more common than I think, but they deserve to be better known. Also, the manticore is pretty darn killer?? Let's have more manticores. *runs off to put a manticore in a book* As long as its head isn't too man-like. The pictures I saw showed more lion-like heads than man, but if it's just a straight-up man's head I'm putting it up there in the terrifying category. xD

10.) If you could create a mythical creature what would it be? How about some kind of wolf-dragon thing? Like, let's have a big wolf with dragon-wings and fire breath and UHHH it can also clamp its wings down and swim faster than a torpedo. Wow. This thing's fearsome. xD

And that's all the questions! That was a ton of fun, and now I totally want to write more mythical creatures into my books. Although *wink, wink* my current WIP Fall Into Time has gryphons, unicorns, AND dragons. Go me!

Now it's tagging time! I tag:

Faith @ The Writer's Song
Nicole @ Legend of a Writer
Lila @ The Red Hooded Writer

I hope you guys enjoyed my ramblings about mythical creatures! If you've done this tag, leave the link in the comments so I can read it! :D

Also, just a reminder: My blogaversary's coming up, and you can go to last week's post to ask me questions for my Q&A vlog! Do it! *whispers* Dooo it!

Have you done this tag? What's your favorite mythical creature? Have you written any stories with mythical creatures?


  1. AAAHHH, thanks for the tag! I’ve been wanting to do this tag since it first showed up, so thank you!

    Haha, yes, being a mermaid would be INCREDIBLE! (If you figure out how, let me in on the secret, and I’ll join you. XD)

    1. You're welcome!! Can't wait to see your post!

      For real, though. It's like my dream. xD

  2. Dragons are so cool! Especially Smaug.

  3. yep, love dragons ;D I love mermaids. And yeah, I actually have a wattpad novella about mermaids ;D


    1. Ooh, really! That sounds fun! I should definitely write mermaids into a book sometime. ;D

  4. I love this post. And dragons are indeed amazing.
    I happen to love Cerberus, but then I had a mastiff growing up, which probably influenced that.

  5. OH MY FLIPPING WORD -- Dragon Tales was my life next to Jane and the Dragon haha. That GIF brought back so many memories in my grandma's living room in front of the big TV. XOXO

    1. OH MY GOODNESS YES! Dragon Tales was my CHILDHOOD, man. "I wish, I wish, with all my heart..." <3 <3

  6. Yay I'm so glad you did the tag! :D And I'm so happy to hear your WIP has mythical creatures, ahhhh I want to read it please. ;)

  7. Fun tag! I like Dragons too! And a dragon wolf sounds super interesting!
    I have started a story about mythical creatures but haven't finished it yet. I hope to though, it is a fun story.

    1. Dragons are amazing!

      Ooh, cool! Mythical creatures are just so much fun.

  8. I’m so happy you did the tag! Great choices! I loved H2O! Mermaids are awesome and so are phoenixes! There actually is a wolf dragon beast from Romanian mythology called a zburator. I’m using them in my current series. ;)

    1. Thanks for tagging me!

      I love H20 so much! :D Ooh, really?? See, I knew a wolf-dragon was a good idea. xD


    And a wolf-dragon? Dude, that sounds so terrifying but also 100% awesome! I wanna see it now.


    1. YES!

      Doesn't it?? Maybe I'll have to put something like that in a book. xD

  10. Pheonixes are amazing! I wish they were in more things, too!
