Sunday, June 6, 2021

THE NEVER HAVE I EVER TAG // writer's edition

Greetings, friends! Everyone's writerly life looks a little different, right? We all have different habits, have accomplished different things, and possess a number of other writerly quirks. Well, today I'm talking about alll that in this tag that has about 5 layers of dust on it because the wonderful Christine tagged me for it literally a year ago and I'm just now doing it. Ehehe. 

BUT fear not, because the tag shall no longer lie as a dead soul lost to mankind. I present to you: the Never Have I Ever tag- Writer's Edition

(in which I expose myself. ooh, juicy.)

-Link to and thank the blogger who tagged you! (Thank you, Christine!! ♥)
-Include the graphic somewhere in your post (or make your own!)
-Answer the questions truthfully and honestly. 
-Tag three bloggers. (*crickets*)

Here is the original post, if you want to check that out! 


. . . started a novel that I did not finish.

LOL. L.O.L. Y'all. I only started actually FINISHING my novels a couple years ago. xD I wrote and finished books back when I was younger, but I don't count those, sooo YES. I absolutely HAVE started a novel that I did not finish. (and continue to do so on a regular basis.)

. . . written a story completely by hand.

If we're talking novels, no, I haven't! Or at least not that I can remember. When I was a kid I used to write by hand quite a lot, but I'm not sure I ever really wrote a whole book that way. (And if I did, it certainly wasn't anywhere NEAR a full-length book.) I definitely have written many short stories by hand, though!

. . . changed tenses midway through a story.

Before a couple of years ago, I definitely didn't do this, because I always wrote in past tense. I still write my novels in past tense, but since I do write flash fiction in present tense now, I would totally believe that I may have slipped tenses. Not intentionally, though, because I always know what tense I want to be in when I start based on the type of project I'm writing. 

. . . not researched anything before starting a story.

Research? What is research?

I write fantasy, y'all. I make up worlds and then dive in head first. Research is the last thing on my mind when I start a story. xD

. . . changed my protagonist’s name halfway through a draft.

Ooh, I'm honestly not sure! I know I changed a protagonist's name before, but I don't think I'd started writing the story yet. I think there's only one other novel that has characters whose names I've changed, but that was after years of working on it.

. . . written a story in a month or less.

Surprisingly, no! I've done NaNo several times now and won three times, but I've never finished the book in that month. It's on my writerly bucket list!

. . . fallen asleep while writing.

More accurately, fallen asleep while procrastinating writing. xD I don't think I've ever drifted off literally while I'm typing, but I definitely have fallen asleep in bed with my laptop open. I was probably watching YouTube or doing something else random, but I was intending to write, at least. xD 

. . . corrected someone’s grammar irl / online.

Oh, yeah. DEFINITELY. ALL the time. To the point where it makes my family mad. (Which... I don't really understand? Just trying to help you out here, wouldn't want you going out into the world and embarrassing yourself with bad grammar.) Do I keep doing it? Yes. Fight me. 

I've never done it online, though. xD

. . . yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of a novel.

HAHA. Yes. xD I couldn't count how many times I've inserted a good "WHAT THE HECK IS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN HERE" or "I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT LOL" (both fabricated for the sake of this question, but their nature is very accurate xD). To be fair, I think I do this more in my mess of a notes document than I do in my novels, but still. 

. . . used “I’m writing” as an excuse.

Honestly, I don't think I have! This is probably a sign that I should take my writing time a little more seriously. xD

. . . killed a character who was based on someone I know in real life.

Ha. No. But there's still time. >:)

. . . used pop culture references in a story.

*dies inside*

So, let me tell you a story. My first novel (to speak of) was a portal fantasy about a bunch of a teenagers, one of which I pictured as Peter Pevensie from the Narnia movies. In the first scene (prepare yourselves, this is the most epic opening of a fantasy story ever) they were all sitting around eating popcorn and watching... you guessed it... The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. 

Genius, I know.

But I said I wasn't counting my old stories, so forget about that. xD I don't really have many opportunities to reference pop culture, since I write mostly fantasy. If I ever did have the opportunity, though, you can bet I'd be taking it.

. . . written between the hours of 1am and 6am.

Yes! I'm not 100% sure if I've ever written after 1AM, because as much as I'd like to stay up through the wee hours of the night during NaNoWriMo, my body simply won't let me do it. #iamgettingold BUT I do know that I've gotten up really early and written at like 5:30. 

. . . drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.

Surprisingly, no. xD I usually make it through one cup and then realize I've just been procrastinating writing to sit there and chug the coffee, so there's no way I could make it through the whole pot and actually get writing done.

. . . written down dreams to use in potential novels.

I don't think I have! Which is really weird, because I have crazy dreams AND I draw inspiration from the strangest places. But oddly enough, the two haven't crossed over yet!

. . . published an unedited story on the internet / Wattpad / blog.

Unedited?? What do you think I am, some kind of monster??

I mean, yeah, the Trentley and Jynnia stories I post on here from time to time are less polished than stories I would submit anywhere to be published. But they're still at least roughly edited. xD

. . . procrastinated homework because I wanted to write.

I mean... yeah. Mainly during NaNoWriMo last year, probably, because the rest of the time I was too drowned in homework to do much of anything. But I did manage to win NaNo, so it's inevitable that I must have procrastinated homework at least once. 

. . . typed so long that my wrists hurt.

I can't think of a specific occurrence, but I'm pretty sure this has happened, yes. Not very often though, thankfully!

. . . spilled a drink on my laptop while writing.

Oh man. Again, I don't remember a time when I did this, but I KNOW I have. (Honestly, probably more taking bookstagram photos than writing. xD)

. . . forgotten to save my work / draft.

I think I've done this before, but not recent enough to remember, because now you can bet I save my writing every 4.5 seconds. I do remember once years ago when I somehow deleted my whole book and didn't know there was a way to undo it, so I just accepted my fate and rewrote the whole thing. xD (Don't worry, though, it wasn't a great loss.)

. . . finished a novel.

I have! Yay! Only up to the second draft, though. Definitely not 100%!

. . . laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.

Lol. This is almost certainly true.

. . . cried while writing a scene.

I actually think that I have yet to make myself cry with my writing! I may have almost teared up before, but I haven't actually cried yet. 

. . . created maps of my fictional worlds.

I made a map for one of my fantasy worlds years ago, which was okay in itself, but I drew out the characters' journey and they literally went in a straight line over the whole map. xD

. . . researched something shady for a novel.

Oh, yeah. Mostly about injuries, I think? Gotta know how much I can wound a character before they can't possibly be alive anymore, right? 

And there you go- all the details about me and my writerly self that you'll ever need to know. Note to self: Still need to make myself cry with my writing. Or maybe I'm just a heartless creature who will torture my characters all day long but never feel anything from it. *shrugs*

I'm not going to tag anyone because I always find it unnecessarily stressful xD So, if you want to do this tag, consider yourself invited! I'd love to read about all your strange writerly habits. Let us be strange together.

So, how many of these do we have in common? What's the shadiest thing you've researched for your writing? And I wanna know who's made themselves cry with their stories, because I feel like I'm in the minority here. xD


  1. I FORGOT ABOUT THIS TAG. I love this one!!! I'm so glad you did it! This was so much fun getting a look into your writing life. ^_^

    I would like to see a writer who has finished every novel they started. I feel like no such thing exists! XD And I am on board with you on research. I never even CONSIDER it until like...the 3rd draft. It's WAY more fun to just blindly make stuff up. AHEM.

    I kind of adore that you had your characters watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in that one novel! XD I, too, never write anything that allows me to throw in pop culture references, but if I DID there'd be LOTR and Doctor Who references errrrywhere!

    I HAVE made myself cry while writing, but it takes a LOT. And it's usually just more a smidge teary-eyed. I don't thiiink I've ever outright bawled? Usually I'm just cackling. I'm a nice author, I PROMISE. *cough, cough, cough*

    So glad you did the tag! This was so much fun to read! :D

    1. Yep, blindly making stuff up is what I do best. xD (it can always be fixed in the next draft, right??)

      Oh gosh, I cringe thinking about that scene. xD I thought it was SO clever. And yeah, my characters would definitely be yelling things like "PO-TA-TOES!!" at every opportunity if they could. XD

      It's honestly kind of funny how it seems like it's harder to make ourselves cry, than it is to cry over stories other people have written! You would think it would actually be easier, since we're more emotionally connected to it.

      Thanks for tagging me! I had so much fun answering these questions! :D

  2. Oh, this is a very fun tag!

    I actually have written a full-length story completely by hand, because I am insane like that. XD (It took FOREVER.) (And unfortunately, that is a story that will probably never see the light of day.)

    I correct people's grammar all the time, too! But I come by it aunt's nickname is Regina Grammaria, and she's passed down the tendencies to me. XD

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who yells at themselves in all caps in the middle of a draft!! (I've also literally talked to my MC in brackets in the middle of the novel...and then she talked back. Which was weird, but will be hilarious when I go back and edit.)

    I actually have killed a character based on someone I know in real life...but it was in the-draft-that-won't-see-the-light-of-day, so.

    Like you, I've never *actually cried* while writing a scene, but I've definitely teared up...which surprised me, because I'm usually ironcladedly unemotional about sad scenes. XD

    The most shady thing I've researched (at least recently) was "does pelvic injury cause uterine damage". Cuz. I mean. I needed to know! XD XD XD

    1. Isn't it? :D

      Ooh, that's awesome! I'm not sure I could ever do that. xD I'm not that patient.

      What a fantastic nickname! xD Hey, somebody's gotta correct the grammar, right? What would the world do without us?

      Oh my goodness, I love that you talk to your MC in your drafts. And that she talks back. xD That's just the greatest thing. And I can just imagine coming across it during editing if you've forgotten about it. xD

      Muaha, we writers must keep our secrets. ;)

      It's funny because I'm kind of the opposite with OTHER people's stories- I tear up WAY more than I used to, particularly when watching TV, and sometimes when reading. But I guess I just haven't written The Scene that will kick me in the feels hard enough, you know? ;P

      Oh man. That's great. xD I mean, yeah, there are a lot of things we need to know... imagine just having a doctor in your family that you could constantly ask all these things. No more FBI knocking at your door because of your Google searches. XD

  3. Laughing like an evil villian is a requirement. XD
    I love the no, but there's still time... how ominous.
    Also them watching Narnia in a portal fantasy. Love that!
    Something I would've done.

    1. It really is! Hehe.

      I mean... there are a lot of people that irritate me... xD

      Haha, that Narnia thing was not my proudest moment. xD
