Thursday, May 2, 2019

APRIL 2019

IT'S MAY! Which is kind of hard to believe, and kind of... not. April actually felt reallllyyy long to me. Which isn't a bad thing! But when I thought back to the first book I read this month, I was like... whoa, that was THIS month?? I don't know why, but April just went by really slowly.

Anyway! I did have a good April. Aaaand here's what happened this month!


(Seriously, though, it feels like three months since I read Battlecry Forever. What even.)

My favorite book I read this month has to be Ella Enchanted. It was such a fun story and Ella and Char were great. I didn't love the direction the story  took toward the very end (I was just wishing the author had gone a less cliche route), but the actual ending was fantastic.

Season of Wonder was pretty good, and I'm looking forward to finishing the trilogy. (I'm reading the second book now.) I didn't love it, though. Maybe I'm just not that into dystopian.

Battlecry Forever was just a fun reread from my days back in a horse book club. I LOVED it back then, but then when I read it this time I was like... that was it? Kinda sad. xD


I won Camp NaNoWriMo!

Wherein you can see my usual pattern of starting out strong, then getting lazy and panicking toward the end. xD

My goal was 15k, and I just scraped by with 15,052 words. Unfortunately I did not finish my book like I'd hoped... but I'm literally SO close. And most importantly, I'm motivated again so I definitely feel like I can accomplish it in the next few days.

I also wrote a short story and submitted it to Havok! I haven't heard back yet, but whether it's accepted or not it's been fun getting back into short stories.

Words written this month: 15922


I had a TON of episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic piled up on my DVR and I've been catching up on those. Eventually I really want to get the whole series and watch it from beginning to end. I forgot how much I loved those ponies.

Also, what the heck is this.


I've been enjoying a couple songs I randomly discovered on Spotify: Brother by Kodaline, and How To Save A Life by The Fray.

Brother is a really good song (with a heartbreaking music video-- go watch it), and it goes really well with Roots to Claim. And How To Save A Life I think I'd heard of, but I'd never actually heard it before (other than hearing Taylor Swift cover it hehe). But then I started listening to it and kinda couldn't stop. It's such a good song with such an important message.

I stumbled upon and bought the album, too, at a Goodwill. I haven't listened to it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


I had a good Easter, starting with church and then eating barbecue with my family. Then that afternoon I went out and got some Easter candy because I totally forgot until then and I really wanted some. xD

I get to wear this at work for the next few weeks:

I haven't seen it yet, though, or the last, like, six movies for that matter. So no spoilers. xD

At the end of the month I took a weekend off from work to go shopping for bridesmaid dresses for my friend's wedding. Me, one of her sisters, and our friend from Kentucky are all bridesmaids, and we had a super fun weekend. We went to a mall, and I had Starbucks for the first time!

Sadly, I didn't care for it. xD It was good, but wayyy too strong for me. The foam was the best part. xD I'll definitely still try more Starbucks drinks in the future if I get the chance though.

We also went to a frozen custard shop nearby. I'd never been there and really wanted to try it. I had a cappucino chip concrete, and it was sooo good.

Unfortunately I also got sick at the very end of the month. So I'm drinking lots of tea and just trying
to survive. xD

Oh, and I almost forgot:

this blog is now dedicated to my dog get used to it
He looks sad because I was eating an ice cream cone and not giving him any. xD


On the blog this month:

Why I Love Bullet Journaling + A Peek Inside MY Bullet Journal
Voted Most Likely Tag!

And that was my April! As for May, well, my first priority is to finish Roots to Claim once and for all. (I am ready to be DONE with this draft, y'all.) Then I want to start working on Fall Into Time, my time travel fantasy with the awful name. Also take some more time out for reading.

Also! I want to add (even though this technically happened in May, not April, hehe) that I have a bookstagram now! You can follow me on Instagram @bookwieldingemily.

How was your April? Did you participate in Camp NaNo, and if so how did you do? What's your favorite Starbucks drink?


  1. I enjoyed Ella Enchanted. Congrats on Camp Nano!!! The Fray is one of my favorites <3

  2. I love Ella Enchanted ... and all of the other books by Levine. Did you know there's a sequel called "Fairest"? Even BETTER.

    1. No, I actually didn't know that! I knew there was one called Ogre Enchanted... a prequel, I think? I'm not sure. I'll have to read Fairest, though! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Oh, yes, I've read Ogre Enchanted, too, and love that one!!

  3. Ooh--I love How To Save a Life! I always use music by The Fray for writing.

    Congrats on winning Camp NaNo!

    1. It's so good! And yeah, from what I've heard it seems like they might be my newest go-to writing music. ;)

      Thank you!!

  4. I love Ella Enchanted myself!!! And ooh, I used to be a horse girl too xD

    Personally I'm WAAAAY more of a Dunkin' girl than a Starbucks girl (is it because I used to work there? Who can know). But if you go back to Starbucks, I definitely recommend the frappuchinos! They're so good. I like the mocha one myself ;)

    Brother is a pretty awesome song! I use that one for writing too :D

    And congrats on winning Camp! I know you can finish your WIP--it's going to be AMAZING. <3

    Also, I want some of that frozen custard. Can you send me some, please? XD

    Lovely post! Have a wonderful May, my dear!

    1. Haha! I'm pretty sure almost every girl is at some point. xD I still love horses, but back then they were all I wanted to talk about.

      I've actually never been to Dunkin either! Small town problems. xD Ooh, I'll have to try a frappucino next time. I've definitely heard a lot about them.

      Why yes, although all I can offer you is virtual custard. ;D

      Thank you! I hope you have a great May too!


    Honestly, now I’m really hungry for ice cream and coffee, and I don’t even LIKE coffee. XD

    I hope you feel better soon, and have an amazing May! <3

    1. Get a job at McDonald's. xD

      Haha! I'm always hungry for ice cream and coffee. ;)

      Thank you! You as well! <3

  6. All that ice cream looks so good!

    So cool you got all you writing done for Camp Nano!
    The puppy is getting so big!
    I have not been to a Starbucks in a long time, but I do like the green tea frappes.

    1. Thank you! Camp NaNo really helped me get back on track with my story.

      I know, he's out of his puppy stage!! So sad. But also good. ;D

      That sounds interesting! I'm not sure how I'd like it, I'd probably still give it a try though. Thanks for commenting!

  7. How to Save a Life is basically one of my favorite songs and such a classic. The Fray can write such good music!

    1. It's so good! I really like them so far. Thanks for commenting!


    Have a good may!

    1. It's the main perk of my job right now. ;)

      Thank you!

  9. Ella Enchanted is such a fun story! It's been several years since I read it, but I remember loving it.

    Congratz on winng CampNaNo! And YES TO BOTH OF THOSE SONGS!!! They are so beautiful, and so perfect for stories!

    Ooh, cappuccino chip, that sounds fantastic! Coffee and chocolate is right up my alley, lol

    Oh goodness, your puppy has gotten so big!!! Still adorable though <3


    1. Thank you!!

      Yes, coffee and chocolate are basically the best things ever. ;)

      Hasn't he?? It's kind of crazy. <3
