Thursday, February 28, 2019

February Highlights 2019

Holy March, Batman!

Okay, no, it's not March yet, but it's darn close, and February went by really fast. Maybe because it's short. I don't know. But here we are, and it's time for another monthly wrapup!


Soo... I made a goal of reading six books this month. I wasn't sure I was going to meet it, but I just realized that if I count The Radiant Road as a February book, I did it! So.. I mean, I started it in January, but I finished it in February, so that counts, right? Right? (Also, when this post goes up I'm still reading the sixth book, Where There's Hope... but I'm determined to finish it!)

This month I read two fiction books, both which I enjoyed (not quite what I'd hoped they'd be, though); and four nonfiction biographical/inspirational books. (I'm not sure if those are the right words for them. :P) Although I was familiar with her story, this was my first time reading any of the Elizabeth Smart books. She's such a strong person; she's been able to leave behind everything that happened to her and move on with her life, and yet still use those things to encourage and inspire others.



Me, to my WIP.

Words written this month: 23


Surely you knew I was going to talk about him again.

This month, I got my puppy Xander! And guys, he's already grown so much!

Xander the day I got him

Xander a few days ago. Not such a baby anymore. :(
Look at him. He's already losing some of his puppiness. I tell him to stop growing at least once a day, but he's not listening.

Seriously, though, I love this dog and although I'm excited to see what he looks like full grown, it's also a little sad seeing him get bigger.

Also this month, the new Kim Possible movie premiered on Disney Channel. Y'all, a lot of people were dreading this movie, but I was excited for it ever since I first heard about it! Kim Possible was part of my childhood and I thought the idea of this movie was pretty cool. And I ended up really enjoying it!

It got me in a nostalgic, old-Disney mood, and I'm probably going to try to rewatch the animated series soon.


Here's what I talked about on the blog this month:

Let Life Interrupt
Five Of My Favorite Fictional Couples
Language of Worlds: Quinard

Aaand that was my February! I hope you guys had a good month and March will be even greater! (oh, and *cough*mybirthdayisinmarch*cough*)

How was your February? What's your favorite thing that you did? Any plans for March?


  1. That gif for the wip is great >.<

    I hope you have a lovely March!

    1. Lol, thanks. It's painfully accurate.

      Thank you! You as well!

  2. Gosh dang it, I had a great comment typed out, and then it got DELETED. I hate technology. -_-

    Anyways, your puppy is so adorable! <333333 and that Obi-Wan GIF - my LIFE right now. XD

    Hope you have a great March, Emily! *cough cough* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *cough*

    1. Oh man, that is the WORST! Makes me so mad when that happens. xD

      Thank you!!

  3. I've got some writting done which has got me ahead. My month has been good ;). Have a good March!

    1. Yay! That's such a good feeling. I'm glad you had a good month!

  4. Same for me on writing... though I did a little better with reading. Every bit of improvement counts, lol

    And your puppy!! *heart-eyes* SO ADORABLE! :D

    I'd heard about the Kim Possible movie and honestly wasn't sure what to think about it coming out. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!


    1. Definitely! I was satisfied with my reading this month, too.

      Thank you!

      I understand that; I think most people just thought they should leave the old show alone. I don't know, I was just always on board with the movie. I hope you enjoy it, too!
