Thursday, February 21, 2019

Language of Worlds: Quinard

Happy Thursday!

One of my goals for February was to finish the first draft of my NaNo novel, Roots to Claim. But I've been having a hard time really getting into it and doing any writing in it, even though I only have a few chapters left to go. So this week, I thought I'd hop in on the latest Language of Worlds linkup by Liv K. Fisher, and hopefully get inspired to dive back into that story!

(Thanks to Liv for hosting this linkup! You can find her original post HERE. This part of the linkup runs through the end of February.)

I decided to do this post on Quinard, who's my dark-minded little ray of sunshine (yeah) and a rock in Archlan's life. I'm still getting to know Quinard myself, so I'll really have to dig to answer these questions. But I can't wait for you guys to meet him!


1. In five words or less, how would you describe your character? Cynical, loyal, good-natured, easygoing, selfless.

2. When do they see an opportunity for self-improvement? I think Quinard would want to change how he sees the world and other people. Like I said above, he's pretty cynical about the world around him, seeing mostly the darkness instead of light. It doesn't take much to break the ice with him and become friends, and that's when you see the other side of him (the loyal, selfless side). 

3. How do they view themself (good, evil, neutral, etc.)? Oh man, that's an interesting question. I think given his general pessimism he'd see himself as neutral instead of good.

4. Is there a story that inspires them? What is it? Quinard is inspired by all the stories he hears around him, whether it be from his own life, or current events. He writes songs about all these things; that's what he loves to do.

5. What proverb or quote they identify with? “I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.”
― Tom Waits

I have no idea who Tom Waits is but I was looking for a quote for Quinard (haha the alliteration) and when I saw this one I immediately knew that was his quote. The first time Archlan meets Quinard, Quinard is singing about the villain who's going around wreaking havoc on all the villages, and when they become friends it's kind of a joke between them that Quinard only likes to sing about dark 

6. What does their standard day look like? Waking up, having a quick breakfast, then saddling his horse up and packing his lute and taking off across the countryside. He'll stop at the next village he comes across, sing on the street corners with his lute case opened up for donations, then pack up and move on to the next town.

7. When they picture their ideal day, how does it go? Pretty much what his standard day looks like, although he gets pretty lonely and would secretly like a friend to share his time with.

8. Do they have a favorite memory? If so, what happened? Hmm... am I allowed to take a rain check on this one? Like I said, I'm still learning about Quinard and his story, so he hasn't really shared any of his memories with me yet. (Stubborn characters.)

9. Where do they see themself in five years? Doing what he's doing right now, traveling around playing music.

10. What is their life dream? To make a difference in somebody's life with his music.

Aww, I love Quinard. And I do kind of want to go write now, but unfortunately the part I'm in the middle of writing has nothing to do with Quinard. xD

Well, anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know my precious boy! Wish me luck finishing this book!

Have you participated in Language of Worlds? Who's your favorite character in your current WIP?


  1. Oh, good, I’m not the only one who hasn’t finished their NaNo rough draft! XD Should probably do that eventually . . . whoops.

    I love Quinard already! I love how he’s so pessimistic and sings and makes music and GAH. <3 Awesome post!

    1. Oh, no worries, you're definitely not alone. xD

      Aww, thank you so much!

  2. Sounds like a cool character!!
    My favorite character in my WIP is West Rover my main character. He is an adventurer.

    1. Thank you!! Ohh, adventurers are always great. Sounds fun. :D

  3. Love his name! He sounds interesting, I like characters who are musicians.

    1. Thank you so much! I do too, they're so fun and interesting!

  4. Quinard sounds like such a great character, especially with the contrast between his cynicism, loneliness, and goodness. I'd love to read more about him! (Also, I really like your character naming.)

    Eleanor | My Language of Worlds

  5. Oh, wow, he sounds so interesting! So many of his traits almost seem contradictory, but I can see how you're making them work! I'd be excited to see more of this character--once he lets you figure him out of course. ;)


    1. Ahh thank you Alexa!! Hopefully I'll get to share more of Quinard and this story with you all soon!

  6. Ooh I'm always eager to learn more about musician characters, we need more! He's intrigued me, and I hope to learn more about his story. :D

    1. Yes! Thank you so much! I'll definitely try to post more about Quinard and this story in the future. :D

  7. Aw he seems really sweet! That’s so cool that he’s a minstrel and I love that quote. ^ ^

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you think so! And me too, it works so well for him. :D
