Saturday, April 25, 2020


HELLO EVERYONE AND HAPPY SATURDAY. Today I'm bringing you a tag that I meant to do a long time ago but forgot about and, well, here we are.

Back in February, the ladies over at Fairy Tale Central created a super fun tag dedicated to, of course, fairy tales! And, yeah, I meant to do it in actual February but how about April instead? xD

It's kind of appropriate to do this right now, anyway, since I'm working on Once Upon and of course it has eeeeverything to do with fairy tales. So, let's just get into some fairy tale goodness!

What’s an obscure fairy tale you love?

I don't know how obscure this one is actually considered, but The Twelve Dancing Princesses is probably my favorite one that I've become familiar with recently!

If you got to choose Disney’s next animated princess movie, what fairy tale would you choose to be adapted?

I want to say The Twelve Dancing Princesses again, because that would be gorgeous. But I feel like Disney would take one or two of the princesses and focus on her instead of giving the spotlight to all the princesses, and that would be a disappointment. So I'll go with Snow White and Rose Red, another fairy tale I've come to love recently. Everyone loved Frozen, so I think Disney could definitely have a big hit with this sister story!

What is the first fairy tale you remember hearing when you were a child?

Oh, I have NO idea. xD Snow White or Cinderella, probably, because of the Disney movies. But as far as the first original fairy tale I read, I think it was The Little Mermaid. (that is considered a fairy tale, right??) I remember that specifically because I was so disturbed by how different it was from the Disney movie.

If you were to embark on a fairy tale quest, what necessities would you pack in your bag?

Well, obviously I need food and water. I'm definitely gonna need a book (or maybe two or three). I'll be taking a sword (although I'm not sure I could actually fit that in my bag...) and pretending I know how to use it.

I'm also gonna need a frying pan and no, it's not for cooking, thank you very much.

What’s your favorite fairy tale trope?

I... don't even know. So I'm going to go with animals-to-lovers (lol sounds like enemies-to-lovers), such as is the case in The Frog Prince, The Wounded Lion, and Snow White and Rose Red. (Although may I just say that I would MUCH rather my prince to start out as a bear or a lion than a frog.)

If you could be any fairy tale character archetype (the princess, the soldier, fairy godmother, talking animal, mischievous imp, wise old woman, evil stepmother/sister, etc.), who would you want to be and why?

I mean... why wouldn't I pick the princess?? Then I get the prince charming, the fairy godmother, AND the talking animals. I mean, you know, BEING the talking animal would be great, too, but everybody wants a talking animal in their lives, right??

And I would get some stunning dresses, too.

What animal/mythical creature would be your sidekick for fairy tale adventures? 

Well, I said in the Fantasy Month Blog Tag that I would take Tinker Bell with me, so that would definitely be an option. As far as an animal? I feel like I would want a talking fox or something. I don't know. Something cuddly that I can chat with. xD

What is your favorite historical era, and what fairy tale would you love to see in that setting?

World War II!! Oooh, what WWII fairy tale would I want to see...

OKAY OKAY OKAY. I just got this image in my head of a girl being held in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany and one of the German guards falling in love with her and turning into a soft, caring man and BEAUTY AND THE BEAST WWII RETELLING, PEOPLE. I really want to write this now. o.o

If you could change a fairy tale’s villain into a hero, who would you choose and why?

Ooh, what an interesting question. Maybe the Snow Queen? Because we all love Elsa, right?

Do you prefer fairy tales with happy endings or sad/tragic endings? why or why not?

I mean... who would prefer sad endings to happy endings? Of course I always love an ending that tugs at your heartstrings or, you know straight-up tears your heart out, but there has to be some kind of joy or hope at the end. Otherwise, what was even the point of the story? xD

This was such a fun tag! I'm not tagging anyone specific, but if you love fairy tales, definitely grab this one! :D I'll drop the questions below.

– What’s an obscure fairy tale you love?
– If you got to choose Disney’s next animated princess movie, what fairy tale would you choose to be adapted?
– What is the first fairy tale you remember hearing when you were a child?
– If you were to embark on a fairy tale quest, what necessities would you pack in your bag?
– What’s your favorite fairy tale trope?
– If you could be any fairy tale character archetype (the princess, the soldier, fairy godmother, talking animal, mischievous imp, wise old woman, evil stepmother/sister, etc.), who would you want to be and why?
– What animal/mythical creature would be your sidekick for fairy tale adventures?
– What is your favorite historical era, and what fairy tale would you love to see in that setting?
– If you could change a fairy tale’s villain into a hero, who would you choose and why?
– Do you prefer fairy tales with happy endings or sad/tragic endings? why or why not? 

Small writing update! I thought about doing another Camp update post today, but since I haven't finished yet, it wouldn't have been very exciting because I wrote an average of like 12 words for about five days in a row. xD BUT I'm back at it now and I'm almost done!! Aaand I'm off work this whole weekend. COVID cancelled some long-awaited plans but I can't even be mad about it because I now plan to finish my book and AAHHH this extra free time is just what I need. Wish me luck!!

What's your favorite fairy tale? Would you rather be the princess or the talking animal? Wrimos, how are these last days of Camp NaNoWriMo going for you? 


  1. Okay, but that WWII story would be EXCELLENT and if you ever feel inclined to do so PLEASE WRITE IT. XD

    Awesome post, Emily! And good luck finishing your book!!! You’ve got this. <3


      Thank youuu! I'm getting really close. ;D <3

  2. EEEEE!!! YOU DID THE TAG! I was so excited to see this tag come back to life! :D And I LOVED your answers!

    YESSSS for The Twelve Dancing Princesses! It's my favorite fairy tale EVER after Beauty and the Beast. And I want a GOOD movie adaptation of it soooo bad ugh. AND OF SNOW WHITE AND ROSE RED. YES YES YES. I think Disney could make an AMAZING story based off of that one.

    I love that you're bringing a frying pan on your quest. Good thinking. ;D

    And this WWII B&B retelling? :O LOVE IT. SO MUCH!!!

    Thank you so much for joining in, girl! And AAAHHHHHH!!! You've almost finished your book?! EEEE! *WAVES POMPOMS* YOU GOT THIS, GIRL!

    1. Yess, I would really love to see Disney work their magic on SWARR! I think it would be so sweet and fun.

      Frying pans are ESSENTIAL. ;D

      THANK YOU!! <3 <3

  3. I think a WW 2 retelling would be really cool!
    I would pack a sword too. ;)

    1. I'm loving the idea more the more I think about it!

      And yeah, a sword is definitely a must. ;D

  4. Thank you for all the 12 dancing princesses appreciation in this post!! I love that fairytale, and the Barbie movie retelling it was my childhood. xD (Also, if you don't mind horror elements, 'House of Salt and Sorrows' is a YA fantasy retelling of it!)

    GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING!!! *cheers* You've got this!!

    1. It's really such a fantastic story! I've actually never seen the Barbie movie. In fact, I've seen a shamefully small amount of Barbie movies. *hides* Ooh, thanks for the recommendation! I'll check it out.


  5. Your choice of a frying pan is an essential item! XD

    WHOA.A WWII BEAUTY AND THE BEAST??? That is so fantastic!!!

    1. FOR SURE. XD

      Doesn't it just sound so tantalizing? :o I'm seriously thinking I'm going to have to write this. ;D

  6. If you like, please write them down. Can't wait to see!
    You are so great, girl! :)

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  7. Princess's really do get the whole package. Good choice!

  8. What a fun tag! I would definitely take along a frying pan too- not for cooking.;)
    I love that your blog is named after a Sam Gamgee quote (that is what caught my eye) and I am glad to have discovered it. I am a major Sam Gamgee fan myself.
    Hm, I'm not sure what my favorite fairy tale is, but one that I really like is the tale of the seven swans (I don't actually know what it's called?). The one where the girl's brothers get turned into swans and she has to take a vow of silence and sew shirts for them to save them.

    1. Frying pans are the best weapon out there. ;D

      Aww, thank you so much for coming by! I'm so happy to have you! :D Sam is amazing, isn't he?

      I feel like I've heard of that fairy tale before, but I'm not sure what it's called either! I'll have to look it up. Thanks for sharing. :D

  9. Haha the frying pan. XD This is a fun tag!

  10. Lol I was about to say "I love the Twelve Dancing Princesses too!" but then I thought about it and realized my only real memory of it is the Barbie Twelve Dancing Princesses movie I watched when I was a kid. I remember liking it a lot, though, haha.

    Lord, I had an enormous beautiful book of the original fairytales that I read when I was really little, and I remember being HORRIFIED at the original versions. Especially for Rapunzel and the Little Mermaid!

    I would 100% want to be the wise old woman. Everything about the gig sounds awesome. I get to live by myself/conduct my life however I please, probably in a cool cottage in the woods, maybe with some cool familiars and/or psychic powers of some sort, and I'm like always right. Sounds pretty swell tbh.

    I guess I'm legally obligated to say Sleeping Beauty is my favorite fairytale bc I'm currently plotting a retelling of it?? But actually, Beauty & the Beast is probably my favorite--don't tell my characters ;)

    GOOD LUCK WITH FINISHING YOUR BOOK!! You can do it for sure!!

    - Eleanor

    1. Haha!! I've seen a lot of people mentioning it, so I'm going to have to watch it sometime!

      The Little Mermaid was a horrible experience. XD I need to read it again, actually, because all I really remember is the traumatizing ending.

      You know, now that you've mentioned the living alone in a cottage in a wood, that role sounds pretty good. xD

      Ooh, you're writing a retelling?? That's awesome! :D Yes, Beauty and the Beast is great! (And I won't tell, don't worry. ;)

      THANK YOU!!

  11. *proceeds to have When Will My Life Begin stuck in my head for the rest of the day*

    *isn't mad about it*

    Ooooh I didn't even realize "animals to lovers" was such a big fairy tale trope, but it 100% IS and for good reason. Great post!!

  12. Oooh, this looks fun!

    Haha, definitely gonna need that frying pan. Probably more useful to me than the sword, honestly.

    And agreed. Would 100% be the princess. You get all the adventure, the best outfits AND animal sidekicks, plus a wonderful prince at the end.

