Wednesday, April 7, 2021

VERY EXCITING NEWS! (aka, Blue Bullet's Big Break)

 Hi everyone!! I'm popping back in because I just had to share some VERY EXCITING NEWS with y'all.

Are you ready? 

Remember my flash fiction story The Hero of Parker City, the story of a superhero named Blue Bullet, that was published in the Havok Bingeworthy anthology?

This lovely baby, right here!

Well... I did a thing recently. A thing I didn't tell you about.

In case you didn't know, the Realm Awards recently added a Flash Fiction category for the first time. And, well... I ENTERED BLUE BULLET'S STORY. 



I'm in complete shock right now. I saw the news and immediately started shaking and, well, if I hadn't been wearing a mask all my coworkers would have thought I was insane because I was grinning so big. I can't even begin to explain how surreal this is. 

THANK YOU ALL for your support for me and for this story! Without you, I never would have been writing these words. Blue Bullet thanks you, too, and is very, very excited to get to Realm Makers 2021 ! (okay, it's me who's excited. but he said I could say it was him.)

If you want to see all the other FANTASTIC finalists, check out the announcement HERE!  (I can't even fathom that my name is next to all these talented authors!)

THANK YOU SO MUCH again for loving Blue Bullet! I love you all so much! ♥

Saturday, April 3, 2021


Hellooo, friends! I hope you're all having a lovely Saturday and Easter Weekend. 

I just wanted to let you know that I'll be going on hiatus for the month of April! It was kind of a last-minute decision, but as I'm sure you all know, it's Camp NaNoWriMo season. And though I'm actually NOT totally overwhelmed with college and everything right now, I decided it would be better to step back for a little while so I can focus a more on my WIP. (friendly reminder to let yourself take a break BEFORE you go crazy trying to do everything. :))

Also, when I come back, I'll only have a couple weeks left of this semester! *very excited* So, taking a break will help me stay on top of everything and have minimal stress leading up to the end. (did I mention I'm excited?) 

I'll still be around on Instagram,  so if you want to keep up with my Camp NaNo shenanigans, you can definitely find me over there! Until then, I wish you all a very happy Easter, and I'll see you in May! ♥