Saturday, January 9, 2021


HAPPY NEW YEAR! *throws confetti*

Okay, yes, I know- it's a bit past New Year's Day at this point. But new years are just so exciting! And one of my favorite parts of new years are making new goals and trying to improve on old ones. Which is what this post is all about- my 2021 goals!

These are definitely not all the goals I've made for this year. But I wanted to share a few of them ones as a way to motivate me and keep track of the goals I've made. Writing things down always helps me much more likely to complete them- usually in a bullet journal I've spent hours on because we don't want to waste all that effort-, so why not slap 'em onto the blog, too? xD

Onward to the list! (in no particular order)

Finish the first draft of Twice Upon. 

You probably already know this because of all the times I've screamed about it, but Twice Upon was my 2020 NaNo novel, which I currently have 50k written of. I want to finish writing the first draft this year (which, if it turns out like the first book, will be somewhere around 96k, I believe), probably in April for Camp NaNo? But I'm hoping to make some progress on it before that, too, so that I don't have as big a goal to reach for Camp. 

Finish the second draft of Roots to Claim.

I started working my way back through this book in 2020, and it was SO much fun. (and pain. also lots of pain. this story hurts my heart) I LOVE this story and the characters (Quinard!!!!) and I just... I can't wait to see the second draft finished because I'm EXCITED to move forward with it. 

Read 30 books. 

I set my Goodreads goal low this year. xD My 2020 goal was 45 books, and I barely made it past 30. So, I decided not to push myself too hard and set my goal even below what I read last year to (hopefully) ensure that I reach it. Because goals are everything and if you don't reach them you're a failure. I am very much joking  (Also, I said I set my goal low this year- but if your normal goal is even lower than mine, that's okay!! I just set mine at what I knew I could hit going by last year. Everyone's different!)

Post consistently on YouTube and Instagram. 

This one's gonna be kind of tough. And I'm not saying I expect to maintain a consistent schedule the whole year. But I'd like to have a more structured idea of when and what I want to post, rather than just posting whatever because it's been a while since I did. Even if it means taking more breaks when life gets busy, my main goal here is to be more consistent when I am posting. 

Keep writing and submitting flash fiction.

I've had SO MUCH FUN over the past year and a half or so, getting back into flash fic writing. I've mentioned before that I used to write short stories all the time, but my focus has only been on novels for quiiite a while now. And of course, being published is awesome and I love feeling like I'm furthering my author career even before I have a book published. But besides that, writing flash fiction furthers you as a writer. After all, they say the best writing advice is to just write, right? (look at me, rhyming.) And flash fiction is a great way to improve on your craft without the pressure of writing a whole book. 

So, all that to say, I definitely want 2021 to be a year of MUCH flash fiction and hopefully much submitting as well!

Go to Realm Makers. 


I am SO THRILLED to finally be headed to Realm Makers this year!! SO. SO. EXCITED. Just praying that everything works out with COVID and everything! 

Do some drawing.

I'm not setting my expectations too high with this one, because I know I'll have very limited time and drawing is the lowest on my list of priorities. But I used to do it all the time and I do love it, so I hope to get back into it sometime this year! (Also maybe start an IG for my art?)

Be a prayer warrior. 

Y'all... we need prayer. Everyone, all around us, needs prayer. People in our lives, people in our government, people we watch on TV... there's just so much brokenness in our world. And of course we'll never see perfect harmony in this life, but oh, the changes we could be seeing if we only committed more to prayer. Prayer changes lives. Through prayer, God makes the impossible possible, and it's a gift that I think every one of us takes for granted. 

I already know I'll fail in this area many, many times this year. But I'm putting it here as a reminder to myself that prayer is so, so important, and without it I can't fairly expect anything in my life or the lives of those around me to change. 

Honestly, I could keep going for a while. (You all know those overambitious January vibes.) But to keep this list from growing longer (and to increase the chances that I come back next year with a good report xD), I'll leave it at that. 

I'm super excited to work on all these goals. I don't know what's going to happen this year or how busy I'll end up being or... well, anything, really, but I do know that I'm ready to put my all into doing the things that I want to do. Time is precious- too precious to waste complaining about all the things you want to do INSTEAD OF ACTING ON THEM. (Rest is also precious. So, hopefully I can find a balance between the two. ;))

I hope you all are having the BEST start to your year so far! And if you're not- that's okay. There's still pleeeeenty of 2021 left to change that! I'm praying for you all! Have a lovely Saturday! ♥

What are some of your goals for 2021? Is there one in particular you're really hoping to accomplish? Let's talk all things new year and hopes and dreams, friends!


  1. Aaaahhhh, Emily! These are fantabulous goals! SO MUCH YES to more of Trentley and Jynnia's story being written! *heart-eyes* And I for one absolutely need more Emily flash fiction pieces and am thrilled to hear you want to write more. YES YES YES! Give us all the epic short stories/flash fiction! :D

    AND YOU'RE MAKING IT TO REALM MAKERS???? *SQUEALS* I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Except...the chances I'm going are next to none. *sniffles* BUT STILL. I am absolutely ecstatic for you and know you will have the most magical time!!! (But seriously, we gotta meet in person one day!)

    And oooh, I would LOVE to see some of your art on IG! :D

    These plans looks absolutely amazing and I'm cheering you on all the way! I do hope you have the most AMAZING 2021! <333

    1. Aghhh, you're so sweet. <3 I certainly hope to share some more flash fiction with you all in the near future! :D

      Oh noo, that's so sad! *tear* I will certainly be praying that it could work out for you to make it... but even if you don't, we'll absolutely meet one day! It's going to happen. <33

      Thank you, dear friend! I hope your year is wonderful as well! <333

  2. All these goals look awesome!!! And congrats you're going to Realm Makers!!! Going there is one of my greatest dreams. :) I hope you're able to do all the wonderful things you have planned! Here's to a brighter 2021! <3 ^_^

    1. Thank you!! Ohh, I hope you get to go to Realm Makers one day! I've heard so many AMAZING things about it. Happy 2021! :)

  3. These are such good goals! It's so exciting that you're going to RM!! And your goal of being a prayer warrior is such a good one--that's something I need to work on, too. :)

    1. Thank you! Yes, I definitely need to work on that as well. I always have such a hard time sticking with it but I hope to do better this year!

  4. My goal is 30 books this year, too. *high five* We "got this"! ;)

    Good luck on all of these! And thank you for the reminder of the power of prayer. <3

    1. Woot woot! *high five* We TOTALLY got this!

      Thank you! Aww, you're welcome. <3

  5. Ooh, these are some great goals. Good luck!

  6. I would love to get to Realm Makers one of these years too! Good luck as you strive to hit all these big goals in 2021!

    1. I hope you get to go sometime soon! Thank you! :D

  7. Fantastic goals! Hope you accomplish them all.

  8. Squee! I hope to meet you at Realm Makers this year!

  9. Ahhh yay!! You're going to Realm Makers!! I hope to be there too! I hope we can meet up in person!

    I love all of these goals! You can totally reach them!

  10. I also want to get back into drawing this year, but I know it won't be the thing I end up with the MOST time for... so I guess we'll see what I can manage. 🙂

    I really like your goal of being a Prayer Warrior! That can so easily slip out of focus, but it's pretty much the most important thing we can do.

