Sunday, November 8, 2020



I can't believe it's NaNo season again! I remember earlier this year getting really excited thinking about NaNo, even though it was still months away. And, well, maybe I should have started mentally preparing myself then. xD But it's here now, and I think I love it more every year!

I kept track of my progress throughout the week- written AND filmed! YES, look for a NaNoWriMo Week 1 vlog soon. (Hopefully today or tomorrow!) :D So, here are all the details (well, most of them) of how my first week of NaNo went.  

(I'm sharing a few snippets, but a lot of parts in this book spoil something from the last one, so... you might not get very many. xD) (also the snippets don't necessarily line up with the day they're next to... but that first one is the opening of the book.)

This was a first for me: I stayed up until midnight on the 31st to start writing!! (I actually think I may have done this last year? But I'm pretty sure I only wrote a few words and then went to sleep. xD So it barely counts.) I made it to just over 1700 words before stopping at 1:30 or so. It was a lovely time. 

The next day (er... the same day, I guess xD) was gloriously free to just write. The only time I wasn't consumed with my story was when I was spending time with my family or finishing up some homework that needed done that day. (alas.) It was the first time I'd really written in months, and it. felt. so. good. Getting back to my characters was wonderful. (Have I mentioned how much I love them?) That first day had me really fired up about my story.

Also this day, I did some actual planning. xD I figured out who the antagonist is (woo-hoo!!) and some of what the heck is actually going on in this thing. Still not all of it, though. Soooo far from all of it. 

Word count: 5022

I worked, did homework, went to class, did homework... then sat down with my laptop and realized how tired I was because of the time change. -_- I wrote a few hundred words sitting in bed (never a good idea, guys... just don't do it), and decided to doze for a few minutes. Lol. "Few minutes". That never happens. I'm pretty sure it was like an hour later when I woke up and accepted that writing was done for the day. xD

Word count: 390

I was kind of discouraged this day about how little progress I had made the day before. (Literally three days in and I was already beating myself up. Don't do that, guys.) I had really wanted to spend a lot of time writing, but it just didn't happen.

I was finally able to get started around 7:30 that night, and wrote off and on for a few hours. I also did the same thing I'd done the night before and fell asleep in bed with my laptop. xD

Word count: 1910

School and homework cancelled out writing this day, for the most part. BUT I got the exciting news that one of my deadlines for school got extended by two weeks AND a whole paper got cancelled. So, less workload and MORE WRITING TIME.

Word count: 311

LET THE RECORDS SHOW THAT I INDEED WROTE ON THIS DAY. The NaNo website LIES. Just because I fell asleep (again) and didn't wake up to update my word count until after midnight... I WROTE. (not a lot. but I WROTE) (So now I won't get my 30-day-streak badge even if I make it all month. -_-) (there used to be an option to edit a word count for a certain day?? but it seems to be gone now?? if it's still an option and anybody knows how to do it, let me know!) 

Another school thing: I had to "present" a project in my psychology class. Which actually just consisted of me sitting in my seat while the teacher asked me questions about my project from the front of the classroom. (Oh, COVID.) But I'm so relieved to have it behind me, and now that I don't it to work on I'll have even more writing time!

Word count: 1052

I didn't write anything until like 11:45 PM... which is kind of pointless now since I already lost my 30-day streak badge anyway. xD

Word count: 16

This was my best writing day since day 1! I made a cup of coffee at 8 PM, sat down with my story and plenty of chocolate, and charged ahead until midnight. With lots of procrastination in between, of course. But I got back into a flow, and it felt so good! Also, Things are starting to happen, so it should be a little easier to keep the story going. she said, as if she had any idea what was going to happen

I also filmed what will hopefully become an aesthetic montage in my NaNoWriMo vlog. xD It was a good last day of the first week! 

Word count: 3151

Week 1 total word count: 12,163

And that's how my first week of NaNoWriMo 2020 went down! Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out, and I'm feeling pretty good about the rest of the month. I finally reached a point where I feel like I'm caught up enough on homework to take time for other things (that extended deadline and finished project really helped!) and not feel like I'm drowning. I can breathe better than I have since August. xD Please say a prayer that I'll be able to keep it that way (aka: not procrastinate) so that I can continue to make time for writing!

Also, though Saturday is my regular posting day, these weekly updates are going to be going up on Sundays so I can include a whole week in them. (Wasn't it nice of NaNo to conveniently start on a Sunday? #satisfying)

I hope all you fellow Wrimos had a productive first week, as well! Remember: It's not all about the word count! If your goal is 50k and you're not on par for that, it's okay. If you have a completely different goal altogether, it's okay! Go at your own pace, and at the end of the day you should be proud because you WROTE. *cheers you on*

Wrimos, how was week 1?? Are you going crazy yet? Drinking too much coffee? And if you're not doing NaNo, what ARE you up to (writing-related or not!)?


  1. EEEEE! We get an update on all the Emily writing goodness! This was a treat! :D And GIRL. YOU ARE DOING AMAZING!!!! Between work AND school I just...I don't know how you DO it. Seriously, you people who manage NaNo amidst college blow my mind and I am so in awe. So proud of you for getting in words amidst all the craziness! But that's AWFUL that one day didn't count your words. I thought there was a way to put in words for individual days too but I've never tried it so I don't know. :(

    STILL THO. That is so epic you're getting in words every day even with all the craziness of life!

    AND THE SNIPPETS. Jynnia corralling a pile of kids if the CUTEST THING. And her thinking about that memory at the tower. SO PRECIOUS. <333

    Thank you for sharing with us how things are going! I do hope the second week proves to be an amazing one! YOU GOT THIS, EMILY!!!

    1. Aww thank you! It's definitely been a challenge. But what is NaNoWriMo if not just a big month of impossible odds? xD Yeahh, that one day is pretty annoying... but oh well. I'll get over it. xD

      Aw I'm glad you liked the snippets! That tower scene (the original one in book 1 AND the reminiscing of it here) was one of my favorites to write. <3

      Thank you, Christine!! <3

  2. Look at you go, Emily!!! *cheers* I can't even imagine trying to do NaNoWriMo during college, yet here you are beating it! All of those scenes are so cute! <3 Do we get a snippet with both Trentley and Jynnia in it next time? ;)

    1. Aw, thanks!! Oh my goodness, I didn't even notice that none of these snippets had them both together. O_O As far as next time... I can't make any promises. *evil laughter* xD

  3. AHHH, YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB. Balancing NaNo and college must be super hard.
    I love those snippets! Looks suuuuuuuuper intriguing.
    I'm not technically doing NaNo this year, but I am trying to write more, and I feel like I've written so much more than usual. Maybe next year I should try it for real.

    1. Thank you!! Ooh, that's AWESOME that you're getting more writing done! You should absolutely try NaNo next year if you think it's something you would enjoy doing. But NaNo or not, yay for your progress! :D

  4. Great Job Emily! I don't think I could stay up till midnight, but I guess you never know. I didn't get anything ready to do Nano, so I'm not doing it. Good luck!

    1. Haha, I stay up too late more often than I care to admit so it wasn't really a problem for me. xD And I totally get not having anything ready for NaNo! Except instead of being smart like you and not doing it, I plunge in headfirst and question my existence. xD Thank you!!

  5. That is an amazing amount of words. Well done. And I so loved these snippets. I hope that you will share more in your next posts!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed them. I'm sure there will be a few more. ;D

  6. Good job! Nano is seriously difficult and I'm always amazed when people do it.
    Over 12,000 words is pretty awesome!

  7. I LOVE those snippets! And you're doing great! *sends motivational cookies* ^_^

    1. Thank you- for the love AND the cookies! Always welcome ;D

  8. This is great progress! Good on you for doing NaNo even though you have school! I'll be in that boat next year and am a little nervous. XD
