Remember last week when I said I was still talking allll the 2020 things? Yeah, well, that's not over. xD If you're like me, January is always the month of planning and making goals and getting organized
I've made it no secret in the past that I rely heavily on a bullet journal to help me with such things. I wrote a post about my bullet journal last year. But I decided to change some things up and try new layouts and ideas for 2020, so today I'm going to share with you guys my new and (hopefully) improved bullet journal! (It's not really a new journal... just new pages in the same one I've been using. Hehe.) (Also this post is a bit of a monster. Soo, if you don't want to read a lot of me rambling about bullet journals, you might want to leave now. xD) (ALSO... I apologize in advance for my fingers being in like all of these photos. xD)
2020 Layout
I... am not a fan of this page. xD
"Emily, this is the first page you're showing us in your new and improved bullet journal and you don't even like it?" Yeah, I know. But, well, that's a page that happened.
I was going for a nice, aesthetic, organized layout of the year, and I ended up using all these crazy colors and crowding my months together and drawing all these seasonal pictures and... it just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. At all. xD But it's not a page I'll refer back to much and I don't like wasting pages, so. There it will sit. Forever. And ever. *whispers* unable to be erased from time...
Anyway. I wanted to do more with that page, which obviously isn't happening. But who knows, maybe I'll take another stab at it.
2020 Goals
This is one of my favorite pages. I was looking for different ways to make my headers and things look more interesting and artsy, and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I don't know if I'll stick with this exact design; I'll probably keep experimenting throughout the year. But I'm allowing myself to be indecisive and try new things. Even though it can help keep you organized, a bullet journal does NOT have to be a place of strict patterns and unchangeable habits!
I have six different categories of goals here (yes, six. am I crazy? probably.): writing, faith, fitness, savings, random, and reading. (yes, it does bother me that random is not the last thing on the list. please don't bring it up.) I chose not to put check boxes next to these like I normally would with my goals because I don't want to discourage myself if some of those boxes don't get checked.
2020 Movies and Books
This page is pretty self-explanatory: just a list of all the movies and books I'll consume this year! I have a side for new viewings/readings, and a side for rewatches/rereads. (You'll notice that most of the movies I've watched so far this year are Marvel movies... and then there's one Scooby Doo movie. My friend made watch that. I still don't really know why. xD)
January Goals/Blogging Schedule
January Sleep Tracker
I never thought I'd do something like this. But y'all know that one of my goals for this year was to get more sleep, and I thought this would be a nice addition to my bujo. Not only does it help me get the right amount of sleep (nothing like a stat page glaring up at you to inspire you to do the thing), but it's also pretty and aesthetic.
All I do is draw a bar for every night of sleep, starting at (roughly) the time I went to sleep and ending when I woke up. It's actually very satisfying. xD As you can see my sleep schedule isn't the most consistent... with my job, it's almost impossible for me to adopt the same sleeping habits every night. But I've been putting forth an effort to getting ENOUGH sleep, and that's what I mostly care about right now.
Daily Layouts
You all know what these are! Here I record my goals for every day, my work hours, etc. I keep check boxes for the vitamins I take and the water I try to drink. On the right side I like to write down special things that happened, little moments, or just thoughts that I want to carry into the next day. These are also some of my favorite pages.
My bullet journal layouts for last year were much more structured, and involved a whooole lot more using a ruler. That's okay if you like that. But I found that I really wanted to look forward to journaling and creating my layouts, and all those straight lines were making it a drag. Now I'm just kind of going with the flow, making squiggly lines or whatever I feel like. It still looks nice but it's a lot more relaxed, and actually fun to do.
Weekly Recap
Just a little record of how my week went. I like this a whole lot better than the way I was doing it before, too. I never could find a format I liked, and although it's still toootally likely to change, this one's working pretty well. I just write down the highs of the week-- good things that happened, small victories, etc.--, and the lows-- not-so-good things, or things I need to work on.
Weekly Goals/Bible Reading
This is simply where I keep my goals for the coming week, as well as the Bible chapters I'm to read. (This year I started a two-year plan for reading the whole Bible. I didn't like the idea at first of not reading the whole Bible in a year, but since I'm reading less daily, it allows for slower reading and more absorption of the words rather than just getting tired and speed-reading.)
Writing Log
This was a page I added in later in the month, because I didn't think to do it at the beginning of January. :P This month's writing log is really super ugly, because I tried one format at first, realized it was TOTALLY stupid, and then just drew a different format over it. I also haven't filled in some of the boxes yet. I might keep the second idea for next month. I really don't know. But don't look too hard at this page. xD
And that's pretty much it! Like I said, there might be more added in later months, because I'm always coming up with new ideas and new things I want to keep track of. (Which might be a problem. But oh well.) Hopefully you enjoyed seeing my very imperfect but helpful bullet journal, and it'll inspire you to give it a try yourself! AND if you've written a bullet journal post, link it in the comments because the only thing I love more than bullet journaling is looking at other people's bullet journals! ;D
Also, I want you guys to let me know what you think of this post's banner? header? honestly what even do we call those things? The thing that says the title of the post. xD I mentioned a week or two ago that I was experimenting with different designs, and I need your input! I like that this one matches my main blog header, but I'm not sure I want it to match so much.
Do you bullet journal? What's your favorite page of your bujo? What kinds of things do YOU like to keep track of? And what are you thoughts about the banner (or whatever it's called xD) for this post?