Thursday, July 4, 2019

Songs for Independence Day!

Hey guys! Happy Independence Day!

Today my and family and I will be enjoying a (mostly) lazy day at home, for which I am VERY thankful. We don't really do anything special until later in the evening, so hopefully throughout the day I can get some writing done! Camp NaNoWriMo is upon us, and I'm trying to get this story to work with me. xD

Anyway, I tried to come up with a creative, patriotic post for today, but I ran out of time, so I decided to just share some patriotic/America themed songs with you. Hope you enjoy, and have a great Fourth of July!

Any other songs I should listen to today? How are you all spending your Fourth of July?


  1. My favorite patriot song is Home Free's version of "God Bless America." We had a relaxing day ... I couldn't work for anyone, so I sewed all day ;D

    1. Oh, I think I've heard some of their music, they're really good!

  2. We both thought of the same thing! :) Songs anyway. I did soundtracks...

    I love the 5th one God Bless the USA!

  3. I used to listen to Celtic Women every time they came on TV!! Their voices are so pretty. <3

    1. Yess, they're amazing!! I really need to listen to them more often!
