Thursday, July 11, 2019

It Starts with You and Me

It feels strange writing this.

It feels strange to dedicate a blog post to a celebrity who I am not personally connected to in any way and have never met; someone who has never really impacted my life other than just being someone I liked. Especially since I usually hesitate to put too much admiration on a celebrity because their views are so different from mine and what they stand for often goes against everything I believe.

But someone passed away recently who was a part of one my very favorite stories, a message that touches me deeply.

It probably doesn't come as a big surprise that I am a big fan of Disney. I love the Descendants movies. Maybe they're a little cheesy. But Descendants 2 has always been so special to me. I really do think it's an amazing movie, and contains some of my very favorite fictional characters and relationships.

On July 6, Cameron Boyce, who played Carlos De Vil, passed away. He was only 20.

Why do I feel the need to write this post? Because once more, the reality of life and death hits me, and I have to say something about it. I simply cannot sit still.

Looking back at yesterday
I thought I gave it everything
But still there's so much road ahead of me

These lyrics are from "You and Me", the final song in Descendants 2. This song has always inspired me. The lyrics are amazing and the message is so important. I've always taken from this song the desire to be a light and a change in a dark, dark world. This song reminds us that every individual is important to the world around them and that they can make a change.

Now these lyrics remind me that life can end so, so suddenly. How bittersweet that one of the singers of this song that encourages me to make the world a brighter place for other people, has now left this earth. That fact makes this song's impact that much more powerful.

There's something special that I've learned
It's together we can change the world
Everybody's got something they can bring

When you take a look inside yourself
Do you wish that you were something else
But who you are is who you need to be 

I heard these words before and I let them fall to the wayside. I allowed them to change me in moments when it was convenient. In moments where choosing to be extraordinary was easy.

It's never easy. That's the beauty of it.

I am now challenged, more than ever, to bring my light to the world. To treat others with value while they're here because they might not be tomorrow. To make my every interaction with another person the best one that I can make it because you just don't know what will happen after you part.

People have been saying such beautiful things about this young man. About how he was kind and generous and just an incredible friend. And I want to be someone that all those things can be said about, too. More importantly, I want to be someone who always points others to hope in God.

If we all can do our part
We know that it can be the start
To bring about the difference that we need

I promise we can work this out
I promise we can see it through
Don't you know it's up to me
It's up to me and you

We gotta be brave
We gotta be bold
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me 

Why did this death, seemingly so far away from me, affect me so much?

Because like I mentioned before, this song has always affected me. And now with someone from that song gone, the message is so much more powerful and urgent.

Because I have prayed for this soul many times and I now have no more chances.

Because I am tired of seeing opportunities fall away every time someone dies. Opportunities to let God change me and use me. It's not that this death is any more important than others because it happened to a celebrity. I guess I can't quite completely explain why it's moved me so much. There's still so much more I wish I could express but can't find the words for.

My heart is broken, but I feel a new strength building inside. I am so sad but I am ready to do my part and change the world. 

Cameron, I didn't know you as anything but a talented actor. But thank you for being a part of such an important story. I pray that your passing will push me and others to be our best.


  1. Holy cow. I didn’t realize that he passed away. I didn’t really like Descendants, but he was definitely my favorite character. Beautiful post, Emily. <3

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  2. I have not seen the movie. This is a very thought-provoking post. :)

    1. Thank you, Rakayle! That's exactly what I hoped for. :)

  3. I wanted to like descendants (I too like a lot of Disney movies) but these two movies were just too much for me ;p ... but he was my favorite character and I did like him a lot. I heard one of the guy actors died from that movie a couple days ago, and I'd just assumed it was the main guy. Didn't realize it was this one. Either way, very sad. And I can't believe you pulled such depth from that movie and song ;0 Great post!

    1. That's too bad you didn't click with the movies. But nothing's for everybody!

      Isn't it funny the things that can move us? Thank you!

  4. I've not seen the movies but I understand the urgent need and want to help the broken...and feeling as thought we've fallen short. It's so sad....
    Keep fighting. XOXO

  5. I was so sad when I heard about it. I loved him in Jesse.

  6. It's so sad he passed away so young. :( I was never a fan of Jesse or Descendents, but this post is so moving and it affected me too. <3

  7. Wow. I was in a bit of a fog after hearing the news. I had watched him on Jessie and Descendants and I agree he was the best character in the movie. His lines seemed deeper and he was very talented.

    It bothered me so much because he is only a few days younger than me and that's just so shocking.

    He seemed like a genuinely good person. Thank you for writing this post. ❤

    1. Same, it just hit so close to home and I was just SO sad about it. I've definitely never felt this way about a celebrity's death before.

      Yes, he did. And thank you for reading. ❤

  8. This is so beautiful, Emily! <3 My sisters and I love to watch Descendants and Carlos was one of my favorites. The story wouldn't be complete without him.

    1. Thank you! The movies and the characters are just so great. It's going to be really sad watching Descendants 3 when it comes out. :(

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