Thursday, April 30, 2020
HELLO ALL. So, I'm kind of throwing this post together last minute because I was planning on posting it this morning but lol oops, I forgot.
Y'all. I'm so unbelievably excited and grateful and I can't believe this is actually happening. My story is going to be in a book on actual bookshelves in people's homes. Hopefully some of YOUR homes! The idea that you guys can hold my story physically in your hands is just so surreal and amazing to me.
(and yes that photo is of the season one anthology... maybe if I hadn't been such a procrastinator I would have edited a photo together with the correct cover xD but I promise you I will have photos as soon as I get it!!)
And I wouldn't be here without you guys!! It's YOUR support and encouragement that got my story here, and I can't tell you how much that means to me. ALL THE VIRTUAL COOKIES AND HUGS.
At 7pm CST tonight (April 30) (yeah I know I'm posting this short notice lol), Havok is having a Facebook launch party for the anthology! If you want to come celebrate with me and all the other amazing authors, hop on over! I hope to see you there! :D
Quick note: As of right now, the anthology is only available in ebook form. But to my understanding, THE PRINT VERSION WILL BE COMING SOON and I couldn't be more excited. *dies* Can I just say how weird it is to see something with my name on it (so to speak) on Goodreads and Amazon??
ANYWAY. Done rambling now. (maybe ;)) Again, thank you all SO MUCH for your support and I hope to see you at the launch party! I LOVE YOU ALL!
Saturday, April 25, 2020
HELLO EVERYONE AND HAPPY SATURDAY. Today I'm bringing you a tag that I meant to do a long time ago but forgot about and, well, here we are.
Back in February, the ladies over at Fairy Tale Central created a super fun tag dedicated to, of course, fairy tales! And, yeah, I meant to do it in actual February but how about April instead? xD
It's kind of appropriate to do this right now, anyway, since I'm working on Once Upon and of course it has eeeeverything to do with fairy tales. So, let's just get into some fairy tale goodness!
What’s an obscure fairy tale you love?
I don't know how obscure this one is actually considered, but The Twelve Dancing Princesses is probably my favorite one that I've become familiar with recently!
If you got to choose Disney’s next animated princess movie, what fairy tale would you choose to be adapted?
I want to say The Twelve Dancing Princesses again, because that would be gorgeous. But I feel like Disney would take one or two of the princesses and focus on her instead of giving the spotlight to all the princesses, and that would be a disappointment. So I'll go with Snow White and Rose Red, another fairy tale I've come to love recently. Everyone loved Frozen, so I think Disney could definitely have a big hit with this sister story!
What is the first fairy tale you remember hearing when you were a child?
Oh, I have NO idea. xD Snow White or Cinderella, probably, because of the Disney movies. But as far as the first original fairy tale I read, I think it was The Little Mermaid. (that is considered a fairy tale, right??) I remember that specifically because I was so disturbed by how different it was from the Disney movie.
If you were to embark on a fairy tale quest, what necessities would you pack in your bag?
Well, obviously I need food and water. I'm definitely gonna need a book (or maybe two or three). I'll be taking a sword (although I'm not sure I could actually fit that in my bag...) and pretending I know how to use it.
I'm also gonna need a frying pan and no, it's not for cooking, thank you very much.
What’s your favorite fairy tale trope?
I... don't even know. So I'm going to go with animals-to-lovers (lol sounds like enemies-to-lovers), such as is the case in The Frog Prince, The Wounded Lion, and Snow White and Rose Red. (Although may I just say that I would MUCH rather my prince to start out as a bear or a lion than a frog.)
If you could be any fairy tale character archetype (the princess, the soldier, fairy godmother, talking animal, mischievous imp, wise old woman, evil stepmother/sister, etc.), who would you want to be and why?
I mean... why wouldn't I pick the princess?? Then I get the prince charming, the fairy godmother, AND the talking animals. I mean, you know, BEING the talking animal would be great, too, but everybody wants a talking animal in their lives, right??
And I would get some stunning dresses, too.
What animal/mythical creature would be your sidekick for fairy tale adventures?
Well, I said in the Fantasy Month Blog Tag that I would take Tinker Bell with me, so that would definitely be an option. As far as an animal? I feel like I would want a talking fox or something. I don't know. Something cuddly that I can chat with. xD
What is your favorite historical era, and what fairy tale would you love to see in that setting?
World War II!! Oooh, what WWII fairy tale would I want to see...
OKAY OKAY OKAY. I just got this image in my head of a girl being held in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany and one of the German guards falling in love with her and turning into a soft, caring man and BEAUTY AND THE BEAST WWII RETELLING, PEOPLE. I really want to write this now. o.o
If you could change a fairy tale’s villain into a hero, who would you choose and why?
Ooh, what an interesting question. Maybe the Snow Queen? Because we all love Elsa, right?
Do you prefer fairy tales with happy endings or sad/tragic endings? why or why not?
I mean... who would prefer sad endings to happy endings? Of course I always love an ending that tugs at your heartstrings or, you know straight-up tears your heart out, but there has to be some kind of joy or hope at the end. Otherwise, what was even the point of the story? xD
This was such a fun tag! I'm not tagging anyone specific, but if you love fairy tales, definitely grab this one! :D I'll drop the questions below.
– What’s an obscure fairy tale you love?
– If you got to choose Disney’s next animated princess movie, what fairy tale would you choose to be adapted?
– What is the first fairy tale you remember hearing when you were a child?
– If you were to embark on a fairy tale quest, what necessities would you pack in your bag?
– What’s your favorite fairy tale trope?
– If you could be any fairy tale character archetype (the princess, the soldier, fairy godmother, talking animal, mischievous imp, wise old woman, evil stepmother/sister, etc.), who would you want to be and why?
– What animal/mythical creature would be your sidekick for fairy tale adventures?
– What is your favorite historical era, and what fairy tale would you love to see in that setting?
– If you could change a fairy tale’s villain into a hero, who would you choose and why?
– Do you prefer fairy tales with happy endings or sad/tragic endings? why or why not?
Small writing update! I thought about doing another Camp update post today, but since I haven't finished yet, it wouldn't have been very exciting because I wrote an average of like 12 words for about five days in a row. xD BUT I'm back at it now and I'm almost done!! Aaand I'm off work this whole weekend. COVID cancelled some long-awaited plans but I can't even be mad about it because I now plan to finish my book and AAHHH this extra free time is just what I need. Wish me luck!!
What's your favorite fairy tale? Would you rather be the princess or the talking animal? Wrimos, how are these last days of Camp NaNoWriMo going for you?
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Hey guys! So, today I want to talk about something that's been on my heart for a while. It started in January- you know, that time when you're trying to make changes to your life and be the best, most productive person you can be.
Something I'm always thinking about (though definitely not always succeeding at) is how best to make use of my time. More specifically, how best to use my time to move my life forward. I have a job that I only stay at because I need it, and honestly, I'm always dreaming about the day when I can leave. Any plans that might get me into a better job situation, seem so far away into the future.
I'm always thinking about how to further my hopeful career as a writer. And it seems frustrating when I have so many unfinished projects and even the thought of publication is sooo far away.
And of course, I'd like to make a difference in the world whenever I can, too.
But I don't know how long I'll have to work on those things before they change. So how am I supposed to stay sane in the meantime? Sometimes the thought of staying in current circumstances is suffocating.
Back around New Year's, I had been thinking about my relationship with God and how I needed to value it more and put more effort into growing it. I was feeling guilty about how I so often use time I could have been spending with Him, for useless things. Frivolous things. Or even good things, like writing.
The realization that He needed to be the first priority in my life was one that I didn't want to face, because that would mean some changes. But I began to accept it, and several things were speaking to me in the same way: Tracey's post about being rooted, Grace's post about our identity as a Christian, the movie Overcomer, the book Becoming A Woman Whose God Is Enough, and maybe a few other things as well.
I began to realize that I was a writer before I was a Christian. I focused so much time on becoming a better writer, on the writing/bookish community, yet I was neglecting my relationship with God. Fully aware that that should be the most important thing in my life, I still put it on a shelf and pulled it back out when I had extra time.
That's pretty troubling, isn't it?
And so I began to shift my viewpoint. I wasn't a Christian writer. I was a Christian. And I also happened to write.
So often I've been worried that I wasn't fulfilling my purpose, because I felt I wasn't moving forward in any area of my life. I wasn't going to college, I didn't have a job that benefited me in any way other than giving me a paycheck, and I didn't feel any closer to publishing a book. (Not that that was going to suddenly make me rich and solve all my problems, anyway.)
But I had to remind myself that none of that is my purpose. Writing is not my purpose. My purpose is to fellowship with and serve God. We're not made to write. Maybe we're blessed and equipped with the desire and the ability to write and do good things with our stories, but we were made to have a heart for God. And if we don't, everything else in our lives is going to fall flat.
I also recognized that I could not rightly expect there to be positive change in my life without making God a part of it. I want a different job. Okay, but why should God give me a different job, or contentment with the one I have, if I'm not serving Him there? Why should I assume my life will automatically be better somewhere else, if God is still second priority to me?
So I started making sure I spent time praying every day. I tried to pay more attention reading my Bible and soaking in the words. It felt good.
Then I failed.
I slipped back. I skipped prayer one day and then it was easier to keep skipping in the days following. I began to put other activities before God again.
I'm not sure how long ago that's been. But it's been off and and on since then. I'm sure most (or all) of you can relate.
Recent events (do I even have to specify?) have been making me so glad to have God in my life. Like, I don't know how I would stay sane without Him. And I've been reminded of how I need to be spending time in prayer again.
I don't really remember what the specific turning point was, although I know there was one. It may have had something to do with rereading the Out of Time series, because Parvin seriously inspires me. It may have had something to do with the fact that with everything going on, people need to be in prayer, and how powerful prayer can be, and how things can actually be changed by praying. Maybe it was Easter. I feel like a big part of it was the fact I'm starting college in the fall, and I've been trying to better establish my priorities and somewhat of a schedule before then.
But long story short, recently that passion has been returning, for wanting to grow myself as a Christian and then as a writer, or anything else.
No, I am absolutely not perfect. Just a couple nights ago I fell asleep praying so I gave up and did something else. I'm working on that, on making prayer and fellowship with God such a priority that I'm willing to push aside all my other plans and maybe stay up extra late just to get that time in.
This is not a victory post. All those things I said I did, all those ways I ignored my relationship with God? Yeah, I still do those things. I know I'm going to fail Him again because I'm human and I'm not perfect. That's not an excuse, but it's a reality. But for right now, I'm recognizing my faults and I'm working, together with Jesus, to improve.
I still don't like my job. I still fear the future sometimes (especially with college looming upon me). I still don't see any way some things are going to change anytime soon.
But if I'm fulfilling my purpose, doing what I was made for, what is everything else? If I'm living my life primarily for God, does it matter that I have an undesirable job, or that I don't have a book published, or that some days I don't have time to do anything else? If I dedicate my whole life and surrender EVERYTHING to Him, all other areas of my life will be blessed, even if it's not in ways I might have imagined.
No, God's not a genie. Spending time with Him most likely isn't going to magically change all the bad things in your life. But if it doesn't, it will do one thing: it will begin to give you peace in those things.
I'd wanted to write this post for a while, but I kept hesitating after I slipped a couple months ago. I felt like I should wait until I'd been consistent and loyal with it for a few months, or else what business did I have trying to inspire anybody?
Now, though, I feel like the time is right. I'm never going to be perfect, so there's no point waiting for perfection. But since all of this has returned to the forefront of my mind these past weeks, I'm writing this for myself as much as anyone who's reading.
I don't know if I've said everything I wanted to say in this post- in fact I can pretty much guarantee I haven't. I feel like my thoughts were all over the place and if there was anything else I wanted to say, I won't remember it until I hit "publish". And I don't really have a conclusion because, well, like I said: WORK IN PROGRESS. xD
But I hope this was an encouragement to you, and maybe something I said was something that somebody needed to hear. I'm praying for you, dear friends!
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Hey everyone! I'm back again on a Thursday this week for another cover reveal! And ooh, it's a good one!
So, my fellow blogger Brooke is releasing her book How We Rise this year. (July 15th- mark your calendars!) Today we are revealing that cover and can I just say that I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. IT'S LOVELY.
When the truth gets you killed... will you still Rise?
Raegan MacArthur is content with her simple life. But lately, her life hasn’t been all that simple. She can’t drown out the screams in the night coming from the military base up the road. And she can’t ignore the truth behind them.
Peter Daniels thought moving back to Texas with his mom for senior year was a good thing. A chance to reconnect with old friends and finally feel at home again. But his life now can never be the same as it was six years ago.
Signs of government overreach are everywhere, and an unknown- yet familiar- enemy lurks in the shadows, watching their every move. The government is clamping down tighter and tighter on anyone who resists their ways. Raegan and Peter have to make the hardest decision of their lives: will they go quietly to save themselves… or will they rise?
Can I just say that it's SO STINKING EXCITING seeing other bloggers having their books published?? Most of us in this part of the blogosphere dream of having our books on each other's shelves someday, and the fact that that very thing is happening for some of y'all is just SO AMAZING and I am SO RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY FOR YOU.
But anyway. On to the cover reveal. Start scrolling. ;D
Again, How We Rise is set to release on July 15th, 2020! Until then, let's all show some love for that cover!
You can find Brooke here:
Congratulations on your book baby, Brooke! I can't wait to read it!
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Happy Easter weekend, everyone!
As you probably know, this month is Camp NaNoWriMo. I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was working on Once Upon this April, with plans to finish up the first draft.
If you didn't know, Once Upon is the fantasy novel I wrote the first 50k of last November. I hadn't TOUCHED it since November 21st, when I won NaNo and starting sleeping again. (lol I wish I was joking but NaNo '19 destroyed me) Today I thought I'd give you a little recap of my first ten days of
Camp NaNoWriMo!
I wasn't originally planning on doing one of these posts, so I don't have updates for each day past the word count. Go, un-preparedness. So... enjoy said daily word count.
Day One: 72 words
Day Two: 370 words
Day Three: 12 words
Day Four: 85 words
Day Five: 1244 words
Day Six: 1519 words
Day Seven: 1213 words
Day Eight: 14 words
Day Nine: 1676 words
Day Ten: 176 words
Total: 6351 words
And overall, the whole book is currently at 56,545 words.
It's obvious that some days I'm only writing so I can say I wrote that day. Not that that's a bad thing-- writing a few words means you wrote SOMETHING and that's better than nothing. (And that's how you make a habit!) But I've been putting off writing until the last minute and then realizing I don't have time to reach my ideal word count for the day. And that, my friends, is how you end up writing 12 words. xD
I've been a LITTLE disappointed with how the story is (or isn't) flowing. I expected to roll back into it pretty well, but there HAVE been a few times when I've just sat there staring at the screen for a good while. If you didn't know, more often than not I'm a hardcore pantser, and this go-round is no exception. We going into each writing session with less knowledge of what's going to happen than the neighbor's dog.
It's unpredictable but it makes for an entertaining time. xD
I DO realize that on those days when I wrote 1k+ words, said words flowed a little better. When I allow myself extra time, I can get deeper into the story and it'll tend to tell itself more easily, rather than me trying to force out words to meet a quota.
Also, remember how I said I hadn't touched my story since November? Yeah, it really showed when I started trying to write. xD I opened up my story, went to where I had left off, and immediately realized I was in big trouble.
Fortunately, I was able to stumble my way back to the present and get back into the mindset for the story. xD I had to skim back over what I'd written last year, which I definitely should have BEFORE April 1 (lol look at me always prepared), buuut I survived.
However, while I was SUPPOSED to hyper-focused on finishing Once Upon, the unthinkable happened: I started thinking about another story.
Yeah. I know.
See, when I finish the first draft of Once Upon, I was already planning to either go back and edit it, or edit Roots to Claim. And after I made those plans I started daydreaming about Roots to Claim, and realized how much I missed it and how it would definitely be the story I work on after Camp. And then I started thinking about its playlist. And then I started thinking about the characters and started getting emotional.
No, I'm not abandoning Once Upon. But I do feel like I'm cheating on it by lusting after another story. xD
So, yeah. That's a thing that's happening. I'm still enjoying working on Once Upon (have I mentioned before that I love Trentley and Jynnia with all my heart???), but, well, I'm kind of ridiculously excited about getting back to Roots to Claim when I'm done. but you didn't hear that from me please don't tell my wip
Aaand that's how the first third of my Camp NaNo has gone. xD In general, I feel it's going pretty well. BUT I also think I'm really going to have to kick it into high gear in order to finish this draft this month. Because I have my goal set at 20k for the month, my brain keeps telling me I just need to make that goal in order to win Camp. But I sort of just set that goal as a placeholder, when in reality my goal is to finish the story, and who knows who far past 20k that could take me? I really don't expect it to be very long (Roots to Claim came out around 80k, I believe), but we'll see.
So, if you need me I'll be wildly typing away trying to finish this story without tearing my hair out.
(Also, if you're interested in checking them out, here are this story's Pinterest and playlist!)
On a final note, I hope everyone has a lovely Easter! It's going to be quite different this year, and it's going to be WEIRD not being in church OR with my whole family this year. But in reality, Easter's not about dinner or family or even church, right? It's about Jesus, and HE hasn't changed a bit.
How has Camp been going for all you Wrimos? Anybody else struggle with thinking about your other stories instead of the one you're working on? And how will YOUR Easter be different this year?
As you probably know, this month is Camp NaNoWriMo. I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was working on Once Upon this April, with plans to finish up the first draft.
If you didn't know, Once Upon is the fantasy novel I wrote the first 50k of last November. I hadn't TOUCHED it since November 21st, when I won NaNo and starting sleeping again. (lol I wish I was joking but NaNo '19 destroyed me) Today I thought I'd give you a little recap of my first ten days of
Camp NaNoWriMo!
I wasn't originally planning on doing one of these posts, so I don't have updates for each day past the word count. Go, un-preparedness. So... enjoy said daily word count.
Day One: 72 words
Day Two: 370 words
Day Three: 12 words
Day Four: 85 words
Day Five: 1244 words
Day Six: 1519 words
Day Seven: 1213 words
Day Eight: 14 words
Day Nine: 1676 words
Day Ten: 176 words
Total: 6351 words
And overall, the whole book is currently at 56,545 words.
It's obvious that some days I'm only writing so I can say I wrote that day. Not that that's a bad thing-- writing a few words means you wrote SOMETHING and that's better than nothing. (And that's how you make a habit!) But I've been putting off writing until the last minute and then realizing I don't have time to reach my ideal word count for the day. And that, my friends, is how you end up writing 12 words. xD
I've been a LITTLE disappointed with how the story is (or isn't) flowing. I expected to roll back into it pretty well, but there HAVE been a few times when I've just sat there staring at the screen for a good while. If you didn't know, more often than not I'm a hardcore pantser, and this go-round is no exception. We going into each writing session with less knowledge of what's going to happen than the neighbor's dog.
It's unpredictable but it makes for an entertaining time. xD
I DO realize that on those days when I wrote 1k+ words, said words flowed a little better. When I allow myself extra time, I can get deeper into the story and it'll tend to tell itself more easily, rather than me trying to force out words to meet a quota.
Also, remember how I said I hadn't touched my story since November? Yeah, it really showed when I started trying to write. xD I opened up my story, went to where I had left off, and immediately realized I was in big trouble.
Fortunately, I was able to stumble my way back to the present and get back into the mindset for the story. xD I had to skim back over what I'd written last year, which I definitely should have BEFORE April 1 (lol look at me always prepared), buuut I survived.
However, while I was SUPPOSED to hyper-focused on finishing Once Upon, the unthinkable happened: I started thinking about another story.
Yeah. I know.
See, when I finish the first draft of Once Upon, I was already planning to either go back and edit it, or edit Roots to Claim. And after I made those plans I started daydreaming about Roots to Claim, and realized how much I missed it and how it would definitely be the story I work on after Camp. And then I started thinking about its playlist. And then I started thinking about the characters and started getting emotional.
No, I'm not abandoning Once Upon. But I do feel like I'm cheating on it by lusting after another story. xD
So, yeah. That's a thing that's happening. I'm still enjoying working on Once Upon (have I mentioned before that I love Trentley and Jynnia with all my heart???), but, well, I'm kind of ridiculously excited about getting back to Roots to Claim when I'm done. but you didn't hear that from me please don't tell my wip
Aaand that's how the first third of my Camp NaNo has gone. xD In general, I feel it's going pretty well. BUT I also think I'm really going to have to kick it into high gear in order to finish this draft this month. Because I have my goal set at 20k for the month, my brain keeps telling me I just need to make that goal in order to win Camp. But I sort of just set that goal as a placeholder, when in reality my goal is to finish the story, and who knows who far past 20k that could take me? I really don't expect it to be very long (Roots to Claim came out around 80k, I believe), but we'll see.
So, if you need me I'll be wildly typing away trying to finish this story without tearing my hair out.
(Also, if you're interested in checking them out, here are this story's Pinterest and playlist!)
On a final note, I hope everyone has a lovely Easter! It's going to be quite different this year, and it's going to be WEIRD not being in church OR with my whole family this year. But in reality, Easter's not about dinner or family or even church, right? It's about Jesus, and HE hasn't changed a bit.
How has Camp been going for all you Wrimos? Anybody else struggle with thinking about your other stories instead of the one you're working on? And how will YOUR Easter be different this year?
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Hello everyone and happy Thursday! I HAVE SOMETHING VERY EXCITING TO SHARE TODAY.
All you around the blogosphere have probably heard of my friend Kara's book, The Broken Prince. Uh, yeah, I read it at the end of last year and it turned me into The Broken Emily. It was SO GOOD and I've been eagerly anticipating the sequel, which is intriguingly titled THE CROWNLESS KING.
And guess what?
She won't meet her worst enemy on the battlefield...
War is brewing and the kingdom of Sindaleer is torn as the Knights of Norcir draw the folk to their side. When Sabriel, a specially Gifted, pledges her blood to their cause, she is ready to give all to bring the peace her leader promises. She understands Tirich's deep hatred toward the king, and has prepared for this moment nearly all her life.
But when her identity as a Knight is discovered by the childhood friend who betrayed her years ago, Sabriel's plans for justice come toppling down. Now distracted by what once was, Sabriel fights to hold onto what she's believed to be true for so long.
Nick never forgot the red-headed lass of years past, but she's not the friend he remembers. As enemies connected by their past take opposing sides on the battlefield, Nick refuses to believe what she's become.
Voices in Sabriel's head warning her she'll never succeed and loyalties torn, she begins to realize that all is not as it seems. Tirich's power is growing stronger, and she fears she was wrong about the good she once saw in him. The concluding book following The Broken Prince, reminds us of the inner wars we all face, and what it means to rise from the ashes when all hope feels lost.
But when her identity as a Knight is discovered by the childhood friend who betrayed her years ago, Sabriel's plans for justice come toppling down. Now distracted by what once was, Sabriel fights to hold onto what she's believed to be true for so long.
Nick never forgot the red-headed lass of years past, but she's not the friend he remembers. As enemies connected by their past take opposing sides on the battlefield, Nick refuses to believe what she's become.
Voices in Sabriel's head warning her she'll never succeed and loyalties torn, she begins to realize that all is not as it seems. Tirich's power is growing stronger, and she fears she was wrong about the good she once saw in him. The concluding book following The Broken Prince, reminds us of the inner wars we all face, and what it means to rise from the ashes when all hope feels lost.
I have been so excited about this (not as excited as I am about reading the actual book, but, y'know. baby steps) and EEP just wait until you guys see the cover. IT IS SO LOVELY. And it goes with the first cover perfectly and WOW I just love it so much.
Don't worry, I won't make you scroll six miles. The cover is below. XD
*heart eyes* IT'S SO PRETTY.
I am SO excited to read this book and put it on my shelf next to its... brother? Cousin? Parent? What is the family relationship between a book and its sequel? xD
A big early congratulations to Kara and the release of her book, which is set for this September! (I may or not be already imagining how stunning that cover is going to look in autumn bookstagram photos...)
I can't wait to read The Crownless King! Until September, you can find me gazing upon its lovely cover.
![]() |
Probably not. |
Have you read The Broken Prince? What do you think of the cover for The Crownless King?
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Hello everyone! Today I bring you another edition of "Tags That Emily Waits Too Long To Do." don't we all though honestly
Back in October, Alexa tagged me for the Fictional Vacation Would You Rather Tag-- which I was super excited about, by the way, because I'd been eyeing this super awesome tag.even if I don't get all of the fandom references So, sit back and watch me squirm and try to answer these cruel questions!
The rules:
1.) Include the graphic Madeline made.
2.) Answer the questions.
3.) Tag some other people if you feel so inclined.
And onward we go!
1.) Train with demigods for the summer at Camp Halfblood OR attend Hogwarts to learn some spells for a semester?
*cough* Yeah, very first question and I'm not familiar with either one of these. Eheheh. #oops BUT I THINK I would go to Hogwarts and learn spells. Because MAGIC.
2.) Go on an epic quest through the lands of Middle Earth OR be crowned a king or queen for your bravery in Narnia?
REALLY? You make me choose between THOSE TWO???
Okay. I love Middle Earth, but an epic quest sounds really dangerous and you didn't specify whether I had the Fellowship to protect me. So, since I'm not given the choice to hang out at Bag End and drink coffee, I'm going to have to go with Narnia.
I'd make a great just kidding I'm the worst decision maker ever I would be a terrible queen
3.) Fly with Peter and his Lost Boys in Neverland OR have a crazy tea party with the Mad Hatter in Wonderland?
Fly with Peter Pan, hands down. First of all: FLYING. Second of all: Wonderland's freaky.
^That was my original answer until I remembered that THE MAD HATTER LOOKS LIKE THIS.
4.) Get trapped in the world of Jumanji OR be forced to dress up and attend a party at the Capitol of Panem?
*shrugs helplessly*
5.) Sample all of the candy you’d like at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory OR have a nice stroll with Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood?
OOF. On one hand, there's the Hundred Acre Wood which is LOVELY. But on the other hand... CANDY.
But also... the Chocolate Factory is actually pretty close to Wonderland in freakiness. Children disappear in morbid ways here. OOMPA LOOMPAS, guys. THEY TERRIFY ME.
Yeah, I almost picked the candy, but now that I've remembered the Oompa Loompas, Hundred Acre Wood here I come. xD
6.) Head out on a gold-hunting expedition to El Dorado OR hop in a submarine and explore the lost city of Atlantis?
I don't know anything about the El Dorado movie, but I'm going to have to go with Atlantis regardless. El Dorado sounds really hot and dusty. Plus, maybe in Atlantis I'll see a few mermaids.
7.) Skip through the merry town of Oz OR have a nice walk through the kingdom of Camelot?
Oz! Oz is a blast, guys. There are so many interesting people and creatures and it would be so much fun. It can be a little scary at times, but for the most part it's just plain a good ol' time.
8.) Get sucked into the world of Fantastia and go on an epic journey with Bastian OR get sucked into the Inkworld and travel the land with Meggie and her friends?
*sighs* Inkheart, I love you. I do.
BUT I ADORE THE NEVERENDING STORY. There's no way I could NOT choose Fantasia. Bastian!! Atreyu!! FALKOR!!plus what if I accidentally read something scary out loud in the Inkworld??
Well, that was interesting. Also a little easier than I thought it might be.although I'm still upset I had to choose between Middle Earth and Narnia Thanks for tagging me, Alexa! :D
I'm only going to tag two people so that I don't hyperventilate. Cool? So, I tag MovieCritic and Lila. Of course, if you've already done it or aren't interested, you definitely don't have to do it!
Here are the questions!
1.) Train with demigods for the summer at Camp Halfblood OR attend Hogwarts to learn some spells for a semester?
2.) Go on an epic quest through the lands of Middle Earth OR be crowned a king or queen for your bravery in Narnia?
3.) Fly with Peter and his Lost Boys in Neverland OR have a crazy tea party with the Mad Hatter in Wonderland?
4.) Get trapped in the world of Jumanji OR be forced to dress up and attend a party at the Capitol of Panem?
5.) Sample all of the candy you’d like at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory OR have a nice stroll with Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood?
6.) Head out on a gold-hunting expedition to El Dorado OR hop in a submarine and explore the lost city of Atlantis?
7.) Skip through the merry town of Oz OR have a nice walk through the kingdom of Camelot?
8.) Get sucked into the world of Fantastica and go on an epic journey with Bastian OR get sucked into the Inkworld and travel the land with Meggie and her friends?
I hope you've all had a lovely week! Until next time!
Okay, so the question of all questions: Middle Earth or Narnia? Neverland or Wonderland? If you had to choose ONE thing on this list to do, which one would it be? And where are my Neverending Story fans at??
Back in October, Alexa tagged me for the Fictional Vacation Would You Rather Tag-- which I was super excited about, by the way, because I'd been eyeing this super awesome tag.
The rules:
1.) Include the graphic Madeline made.
2.) Answer the questions.
3.) Tag some other people if you feel so inclined.
And onward we go!
1.) Train with demigods for the summer at Camp Halfblood OR attend Hogwarts to learn some spells for a semester?
*cough* Yeah, very first question and I'm not familiar with either one of these. Eheheh. #oops BUT I THINK I would go to Hogwarts and learn spells. Because MAGIC.
2.) Go on an epic quest through the lands of Middle Earth OR be crowned a king or queen for your bravery in Narnia?
REALLY? You make me choose between THOSE TWO???
Okay. I love Middle Earth, but an epic quest sounds really dangerous and you didn't specify whether I had the Fellowship to protect me. So, since I'm not given the choice to hang out at Bag End and drink coffee, I'm going to have to go with Narnia.
I'd make a great queen.
3.) Fly with Peter and his Lost Boys in Neverland OR have a crazy tea party with the Mad Hatter in Wonderland?
Fly with Peter Pan, hands down. First of all: FLYING. Second of all: Wonderland's freaky.
^That was my original answer until I remembered that THE MAD HATTER LOOKS LIKE THIS.
4.) Get trapped in the world of Jumanji OR be forced to dress up and attend a party at the Capitol of Panem?
*shrugs helplessly*
5.) Sample all of the candy you’d like at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory OR have a nice stroll with Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood?
OOF. On one hand, there's the Hundred Acre Wood which is LOVELY. But on the other hand... CANDY.
But also... the Chocolate Factory is actually pretty close to Wonderland in freakiness. Children disappear in morbid ways here. OOMPA LOOMPAS, guys. THEY TERRIFY ME.
![]() |
6.) Head out on a gold-hunting expedition to El Dorado OR hop in a submarine and explore the lost city of Atlantis?
I don't know anything about the El Dorado movie, but I'm going to have to go with Atlantis regardless. El Dorado sounds really hot and dusty. Plus, maybe in Atlantis I'll see a few mermaids.
7.) Skip through the merry town of Oz OR have a nice walk through the kingdom of Camelot?
Oz! Oz is a blast, guys. There are so many interesting people and creatures and it would be so much fun. It can be a little scary at times, but for the most part it's just plain a good ol' time.
8.) Get sucked into the world of Fantastia and go on an epic journey with Bastian OR get sucked into the Inkworld and travel the land with Meggie and her friends?
*sighs* Inkheart, I love you. I do.
BUT I ADORE THE NEVERENDING STORY. There's no way I could NOT choose Fantasia. Bastian!! Atreyu!! FALKOR!!
Well, that was interesting. Also a little easier than I thought it might be.
I'm only going to tag two people so that I don't hyperventilate. Cool? So, I tag MovieCritic and Lila. Of course, if you've already done it or aren't interested, you definitely don't have to do it!
Here are the questions!
1.) Train with demigods for the summer at Camp Halfblood OR attend Hogwarts to learn some spells for a semester?
2.) Go on an epic quest through the lands of Middle Earth OR be crowned a king or queen for your bravery in Narnia?
3.) Fly with Peter and his Lost Boys in Neverland OR have a crazy tea party with the Mad Hatter in Wonderland?
4.) Get trapped in the world of Jumanji OR be forced to dress up and attend a party at the Capitol of Panem?
5.) Sample all of the candy you’d like at Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory OR have a nice stroll with Pooh and his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood?
6.) Head out on a gold-hunting expedition to El Dorado OR hop in a submarine and explore the lost city of Atlantis?
7.) Skip through the merry town of Oz OR have a nice walk through the kingdom of Camelot?
8.) Get sucked into the world of Fantastica and go on an epic journey with Bastian OR get sucked into the Inkworld and travel the land with Meggie and her friends?
I hope you've all had a lovely week! Until next time!
Okay, so the question of all questions: Middle Earth or Narnia? Neverland or Wonderland? If you had to choose ONE thing on this list to do, which one would it be? And where are my Neverending Story fans at??
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