Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Tower and a Fantasy (Rapunzel flash fiction!)

Hey guys! So I'm sure you all know by now about the amazing Fairy Tale Central. Every month the lovely ladies over there (Arielle, Christine, and Faith) feature a different fairy tale. And not only that, but they're also sharing a writing prompt for each month, too, based on that month's fairy tale!

The prompts are posted on Arielle's blog Intuitive Writing Guide at the beginning of the month. Rapunzel is the featured fairy tale for May, and I was so excited to write some Rapunzel-inspired flash fiction!

This month's prompt has a little twist; you base your piece around this line...

And then choose one (or more!) of these lines to follow up!

I'll let you read the original post to better explain it. 

Now I'm sure you have some ideas stirring around in your head like I did! Stay tuned for my flash fiction based on these prompts!

I decided to create characters and use them in the future prompts, too, like the original post suggested. I don't know if I'll take part every single month, but whenever I do, the characters you'll meet in this story will be in those too! I loved that idea and I can't wait to incorporate Trentley and Jynnia into other fairy tale-inspired prompts. I don't know if it'll be kind of a series or a bunch of
stand-alone scenes, but I know it'll be lots of fun.

Aaaand... I also got some MAJOR plot bunnies for a series about Trentley and Jynnia as I was writing this. *hides* Yeah, that's all I need right now-- not only an idea for a book, but MULTIPLE books! 

Buuut such is the way of a writer, I guess. Maybe I'll share the details of said (currently nonexistent) books in the future, but for now, just suffice to know it has to do with fairy tales. ;) But you probably
could have already guessed that.

ANYWAY!  Enough of my blabbering. Here's my story! Hope you enjoy!

     * * *

 "Hey, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
 Jynnia appeared at the window at Trentley's call, and stood there looking down at him with an eyebrow raised.
 "Show me some credentials. I don't let it down for just anyone."
 Trentley laughed, rubbing his neck as he looked up the steep wall of the stone tower. He put one hand on a hip, feigning irritation but unable to keep the big smile off his face. "I don't have any credentials," he said. "But what if I tell you I'll give you a kiss when I get up there?"
 Jynnia pursed her lips, tapping her temple with a finger. "I don't know," she said, her hand sliding up to run through her short, messy brown locks. "I literally just finished brushing it."
 "Oh, come on!" He sprinted up to the door at the base of the tower. Jynnia had used it moments earlier, but Trentley shook the handle as if it were locked. Backing up to look at her again, he called, "I'm locked out! How else do you expect me to get up there?"
 She had disappeared from the window, but Trentley heard her voice echo, "That doesn't sound like my problem. Do I look like a ladder to you?"
 Trentley could not stop laughing at the sheer childishness of their behavior. This was what finding a tower in the middle of the woods did to them. "Oh, come on, Jynnia, just let down your hair!"
 He heard her sigh, then footsteps nearing the window. When she appeared, she was wearing a vibrant purple dress, much different from the muted green one she had been wearing a moment ago. Strange that someone would abandon such a lovely dress in an old tower. He began to say something about her playing dress-up, but she spoke before he could.
 "Fine," she said, and flipped her hand in the air, pretending to toss a long mane out the window. "Now you can come up."
 He took off toward the door, this time throwing it open. "Hey, I like that color on you!" he yelled before entering the tower. A moment later he heard a muffled cry and shook his head with a grin. Jynnia had thrown herself into this role all too wholeheartedly; a damsel overtaken by his compliment.
 As he ran up the spiraling stairs, he found himself struggling to move as freely as he had been before. How curious. He looked down to see if something restricted his strides, and started a bit to see not the old worn-out pants he had put on that morning, but a new, pressed pair he had never seen before. And his shirt! Not the well-worn tunic he was so comfortable in and was sure he had just been wearing-- but a stiff coat with gold buttons. The costume of a prince!
 "Where in heaven's name did these clothes come from?" he said aloud, and briefly wondered if he was dreaming. He certainly had not been wearing this an hour ago! "Jynnia?" he called, remembering the dress she had donned moments ago. He heard her scream, and broke into a run.
 He skidded to a stop, nearly falling, when he stepped on something slick. He bent to look closer and clapped a hand to his mouth. Hair! Dark brown hair the very color of Jynnia's! Trentley followed it with his eyes; it went on up the staircase and underneath the door at the top.
 Jynnia cried his name. He bolted up the remaining stairs and burst through the door.
 Jynnia was standing with her back to the window, gripping the windowsill with white knuckles. She breathed heavily as she gazed down at the flowing purple dress she wore. Her old green dress was nowhere to be seen.
 But what really made Trentley's head spin was the hair that flowed from Jynnia's head, covered the floor in soft brown waves, and trailed out the door.
 The two looked at each other for a moment, having no words to say. Jynnia was the first to speak.
 "What... have... we... done?"

     * * *

And there you have it! It's not perfect, but I'm excited about the ideas it spawned. They might deviate almost completely from this scene, but that's okay! And I already love Trentley and Jynnia.  I never write such sappy couples, but these guys are going to be fun.

I hope you enjoyed my story! Now it's YOUR turn to go take part in this month's writing prompt!

What do you think of Trentley and Jynnia? (And what in the world do you think happened when they went into that tower?!) Are you participating in the writing prompt this month?


  1. Oh. My. Goodness.
    That was AWESOME, Emily! And now I’m really intrigued to know what happened when entering the tower. . . .

    1. Aww thank you so much! There's definitely SOMETHING going on in there. ;)

  2. Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog, and I love all of your posts! I look forward to reading more in the future.

    As for this, I am so interested! Your two characters are great, and I can't wait to read what happens!

    1. Hi there! Thanks so much, glad to have you! :)

      Thank you! I'm not sure if there will be a follow-up on this particular scene, but we'll see. ;D

  3. Oh, my … why did you leave this in such suspense???? You better write more and tell me JUST what they have done ;)

  4. I LOVE it! Your characters are adorable. <3

    And now I'm wondering what in the world they've done. O_O

    1. Aww, thank you! I kinda fell in love with them, too. :)

      Seems everybody's wondering the same thing now. XD

  5. Wow so surprising! Fun story!

  6. This was so good, I'm kinda in awe??? Your characters are so cuteee. <33 :D

    1. Oh my goodness, thank you so much Gray. <3 <3

  7. Oh, wow! That was so awesome and surprising! I would love to know where the rest of that story goes!


    1. Thank you! Maybe sometime I'll elaborate. ;D

  8. :O
    THIS. WAS. EPIC!!!!

    First of all, Trentley and Jynnia were ADORABLE. I love them messing around the second they find a tower. Couple goals right there. XD

    BUT THEN THE PLOT TWIST!!! They BECAME the fairy tale. *SQUEALS* That is the most fun, brilliant thing of ever. I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!! I definitely want more of these two. This was sooooooo awesome!

    Thank you for joining in the prompt! And extra points to you for using all three of the prompt options! :D

    1. Awww thank you so much, Christine!! You're so sweet. <3 It was so much fun to write. :D

  9. THE ENDING WAS ESPECIALLY FANTASTIC! Like Christine said, kudos to you for using all THREE options!

    1. Thank you!! I knew I wouldn't be able to pick just one. xD

  10. Aww first off, what an adorable couple! I'm already rooting for Jynnia and Trentley. Their banter is so cute and fun and I love how you used all three options in your prompt.
    Also the twist was great! I did not see that coming and now I'm wanting to know more!! Great job!

    1. Thank you!! I'm so glad everyone seems to like them, because it didn't take me long to fall in love with them either. :) Plus if I write that series about them I'll probably end up talking about them a whole lot more. xD

      Thanks again!
