Thursday, January 31, 2019

January Highlights 2019

Soo, January's over. We are now 1/12 of the way into the year. Just do that 11 more times and you got this!!

Anyway, time for monthly highlights!


This was a pretty good reading month! I read a whole 5-star trilogy, one of my precious fairytale retellings, and a classic. Also, I'm currently in the middle of The Radiant Road by Katherine Catmull, and it's great so far! So I'm excited to see how it ends up rating for me.

Also, I don't think I've said this before, but if you want to add me on Goodreads, click here.


I did some writing this month in my NaNo novel, Roots to Claim, but not a whole lot. I'm trying to get through kind of a slow part of the book before the big climax, so it's been a little less than exciting for me. BUUUT the good news is that even though I didn't get a lot of writing done, I still got some work done on the story itself and figured out some important details that I really needed to get sorted. So now I feel like I have a better handle on things whenever I go back through and rewrite some

Also, if you read my 2019 goals, you might remember that I said I was going to try to keep track of the words I've written this year. So, here's my first wordy update!

Words written this month: 3179

Not the most impressive monthly word count, but it's something! What I'm most pleased about is that I figured some really important stuff out storywise, and I'm excited to move forward.


This month we got SNOW!

This is just one of the snows we got this month.
It was lovely and I had a whole weekend at home because of it, which never happens anymore! I mean, I'm all but broke now since I missed two days of work, but it was so great just the same. I stayed home and read and wrote all cozy in my room with a fuzzy blanket, and drank hot chocolate. It was fantastic.

I also played Lord of the Rings Risk with my sisters.

This game... has been going on for three weeks. I think we're going to give up soon.


Aaand the monthly blog happenings!

(For some reason I could only get the first picture to link back to the post? So the links to the posts are under the pictures.)

I posted every week this month, which I'm happy about. This doesn't mean I'll be posting every single week from here on out, but I feel like I've fallen into a pretty good groove with blogging. I'll continue to get better at it, of course, but I'm pretty happy with where I am right now.

Overall, I had a good start to this year. I got back on track with keeping up with my bullet journal every day, which helped me keep up with all my goals. Of course, I didn't accomplish all my goals every day, but I've improved so much since the end of last year and I'm still pretty proud of myself.
Soo what are some of my goals for February? Well, for one, I'd like to try to finish Roots to Claim. I'm getting so close to the end and I can't wait to get to the big climax because guys, it's gonna be

Other than that, though, I haven't really done any planning for February as of yet. Actually, that's one thing I do want to work on: making goals. It might sound kind of funny, but sometimes when I'm bullet journaling and I start to write out my goals for the week or the month, I can't really come up with anything. Yet there are so many things that I've been wanting to accomplish?? So I want to kind of push myself a little to get those things done.

How was your January? Taking the New Year by storm or taking a more relaxed approach? Do you have any goals for February?


  1. You got snow, I'm so jealous!! :P

    Congrats on getting more words written for your WIP, I hope you're able to do just as much and more this month!

    1. Haha, we haven't gotten this much snow in so long!

      Thank you! I certainly hope so too!

  2. I added you to friends on goodreads.
    January was very busy!
    Three weeks playing a game wow! I could never stick to a game that long!
    Now one of my goals for February is to schedule some of my posts ahead of time before I go on a trip.

    1. Haha, three weeks IS a long time. We finally realized we were getting nowhere and gave up. xD

      That's a great goal! Scheduling posts ahead of time is something I'd like to try to start doing, it seems a lot easier than trying to figure out what to post days or hours before it's supposed to go up!
