Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Highlights 2018

Hi guys! Today is my first monthly highlights post and also my it's-the-first-day-of-NaNo-let's-freak-out post. I'm not gonna lie, it's after 8:00 at night and I haven't even started my novel. xD So I'm about to get right on that.

Overall I've had a pretty good October, although just like every year, it went by wayyy too fast. I'm a fall person all the way, and I might get a little depressed every year when it comes to and end. (I know, fall doesn't actually end until December. But once November hits I'm in full Christmas mode. :P) I had a fun Halloween; I went to work dressed as a 50's girl, then came home, made candied apples, and watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Garfield's Halloween Adventure. It can't really get much better. xD

Here's what else went on this month:


So for the last few months I've been reading the complete Oz series by L. Frank Baum. I'm alllmost done; there are five volumes and I'm on the second-to-last book in the fifth volume. These books are ridiculous, in a hilarious way. It reminds me of Wonderland randomness, with C.S. Lewis humor. I've enjoyed them, but it's taken me far too long to finish them and I'm very ready to move on to other things. (There are sooo many books to read!)


Yup, you guessed it-- in October my main writing venture was to prepare for NaNo. I started earlier than I normally do and I STILL don't feel completely prepared... sigh. Buut, I mean, are we ever really TRULY prepared for NaNo?

You can read about my NaNo novel HERE, if you'd like. (You would.)


This month involved two big changes. One's a highlight but the other one is not a highlight and actually sad. I'll share that one first so we can end on a happier note.

On the 25th my 18-year-old dog Shadow passed away. I won't go into details about how he declined, but it was happened very quickly at the end and we had to make the decision no pet owner ever wants to make. It's sad but I had EIGHTEEN years with him and that's kind of crazy.

And now the highlight of the month-- I got a car! I'm on a little it more of a budget now, but it's great being able to drive myself to and from work instead of that responsibility being on someone else. 

Another thing I want to mention that I've been doing recently is bullet journaling. I think I'm going to do a post about this eventually going into a lot more detail about my process and how it benefits me. But it's super great; it helps me keep track of my daily goals, and inspires me to make goals and ­reach them. Sometimes I do better than others, but overall it's really useful and fun, too.


Here's what went down on the blog this month:

Books I Didn't Expect to FALL In Love With
Language of Worlds + Know the Novel

I'm still getting the hang of the blogging thing. Although I haven't posted every week, I'm hoping to get into a more consistent schedule soon. Thanks for bearing with me!

And on that note, I want to share what's going to be coming on the blog! Every Thursday this month I'm going to do a NaNo update, sharing with you guys my current word count and how the writing's going. (I'm sure a lot of people have done this, but I got the idea from Katie)

All right, that about wraps it up! Thanks for reading and best, best, best of luck to all you NaNoers this month!

How was your October? Any highlights? How was your first day of NaNo?

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